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Results 27121-27130 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous avés, Sans doute, entendu parler de la Maladie épidémique qui a affligé et qui afflige encore la ville de Toulouse. La frayeur a été Si grande que tous les etudians de l’université ont disparu. La these dont vous aviés bien voulu accepter la dedicasse n’aura donc pas lieu pour Cette année. J’espere que vous voudrés bien nous Conserver pour un meilleur...
27122General Orders, 31 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
Every officer commanding a troop or company is immediately to make out his muster-rolls to the first of september, that the whole army may be mustered with the utmost expedition—Officers commanding corps not annexed to any particular division, or brigade, will apply to the muster Master of the nearest division who will muster all such corps. A General Court Martial is to sit to morrow at 9...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Cover missing. In my letter of last week, I mentioned, I believe, the great probability of Mr. Henry’s return to active legislation and my communication to him of the awful crisis, in which America seems to stand, but which his aid might tend to dissipate. As yet I have not received an answer: but I suggested to his recollection the...
I was favor’d last evening with yours covering chk: on Farmers Bank for $1059–66 which is at your credit in ℀ as directed— Any dfts: you may have occasion to draw will be honor’d as heretofore— I have this morning procured the 8 Boxes Tin, 3 Bundles spike Rods, & 1 Box Glass 12/18, but could not find, at Smith ’s, or any where else, 12/12 Glass, he is good enough to say he will order it...
I am exceedingly sorry I did not know that you were in this place today. Our want of Men and arms is such, as to render it necessary for me to get the best advice possible of the most eligeble mode of obtaining of them. I adjourned the Council of Officers today, untill I could be favourd with your opinion (together with that of others of the General Court) on these heads. They meet again...
I have been shown the original, and permitted to take a copy, of a Power of Attorney, devised with a view of obtaining Soldiers bounty lands, in despite of the provisions of the law, which withhold from the soldier the power of disposing of his land until after he shall have received his warrant, which I take the liberty of enclosing to you, with the hope that you may thereby be enabled either...
Permitame V.E qe por la Ultima ves, le moleste lleno de Sentimientos; y represente mi desgracia pues no tan Solamente, he venido á este Pais, para Sufrir persecusiones de sus Naturales, sino es de mi paisanos El Cavallero de Irujo á cuyo favor tengo dicho, y hecho lo qe V.E mismo save, y lo qe el tienpo declará, despues de Aver sido Reelecto, me ha reconpensado en perseguir mis pasos, en los...
I had proposed to come & see you on Saturday last but hearing of the dangerous sickness of my Aunt Adams I was induced to visit Quincy. She has been afflicted with a violent bilious fever, which has left her almost prostrate. I came to town last evening. This morning Dr Welsh who stayed there yesterday came to town & informed me that the symptoms were little more favorable but I fear the...
It is with no small Concern that I find the Arrangement of General Officers made by the Honourable Continental Congress has produced Dissatisfaction. As the Army is upon a general Establishment, their Right to controul & supersede a Provincial one must be unquestionable: and in such a Cause I should hope every Post would be deemed honourable which gave a Man Opportunity to serve his Country. A...
I rec d by the last mail your letter of July 30 th . The notice now, seems to be perfectly correct—The Deposition shall be taken agreeably to it, & forwarded to you—you were certainly right to leave nothing to Michie s honesty— with respect to the $60. I knew I could get it, at any time; & never finding myself particularly in want of it, did not think it worth while to mention it. We, of the...