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Results 27121-27130 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your Letter of the 8th Inst. inclosing Lieut. Eyres representation was duly received. I am not at liberty to contradict the facts which he has related; but I am inclined to think from his own state, that his conduct has not been so discreet, as it should have been: and that if he experienced a severer treatment than had been usually imposed upon Officers, prisoners with us, it proceeded in...
I received yours of the 15th last Evening. When I arrived at Morris Town last winter, you applied to me, thro’ Colo. Moylan, for liberty to remove from thence to your farm near second River. I consented to this, as I looked upon it as a thing more convenient to you and more proper than for you to remain in morris town under your particular Circumstances. I considered you then, as I do now, a...
I have recieved just now a letter from general connway who is gone on to york town, and mullens his aid de camp who is not a wit, lets me know that his going there is in consequence of two repeated letters from general gates, and miflin—that same man thinks that there are some projects to send Connway to Canada—they will laugh in france when they’l hear that he is choosen upon such a...
I am to inform your Excellency of an action, which happened this morning, between a party of the enemy’s dragoons, & my troop of horse. They were near two hundd in number, & by a very circuitous route endeavoured to surprize me, in quarters. About day break, they appeared, we were immediately alarm’d, & manned the doors & windows. The contest was very warm; the British dragoons trusting to...
We have at length ascertained the real loss of this day’s action. Four privates belonging to the square patrole were taken, I am told they made brave resistance, & that some of them were badly wounded. The Quarter-master-sergeant who imprudently ran from our quarters prior to the commencement of the skirmish was also taken. The loss sustained stands thus: Taken one sergeant. four privates....
Altho I have given you my thanks in the general Orders of this day for the late instance of your gallant behaviour I cannot resist the Inclination I feel to repeat them again in this manner. I needed no fresh proof of your merit, to bear you in remembrance—I waited only for the proper time and season to shew it—these I hope are not far off. I shall also think of & will reward the merit of...
By the inclosed Copies of Two Resolutions of Congress you will perceive that they have restored Genl Arnold to the rank he claims in the line of General Officers, and have directed me to grant him a Commission for that purpose. This I have done, and he will receive it by the conveyance by which this goes. From your peculiar situation, and being one of the Officers within the operation of the...
I have the honor of your several favors of the 9. 12th 13th 14th and 15th instants. I am pleased to find that your legislature have fixed a price circumscribing the avarice of your farmers, who like their neighbours are endeavouring to take every advantage of the necessities of the Army. I have mentioned to Mr Commissary Blaine what you say respecting Wilsons not having employed a sufficient...
I last Night recd a letter from Colo. Dayton informing me that John and Baker Hendricks and John Meeker had been apprehended upon a supposition of carrying on an illegal Correspondence with the Enemy as they had been several times upon Staten Island, and that they were to be tryed for their lives in consequence. In justice to these Men I am bound to take this earliest opportunity of informing...
Your favor of the 19th Ultimo should not have remain’d so long unanswer’d, had I not been oblig’d by indisposition, to absent myself from the business of the House of Delegates, for a fortnight past. What has been done during that time, I am not yet inform’d, having return’d only this day. The many difficulties that are thrown in the way of inoculating the Troops for the small pox, within this...