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Results 27111-27120 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In passing to the Western Country M r W m R. Nimmo a young man of respectability is extremely deserous of tendering personally his respects to you. To gratify a sentiment so natural and praiseworthy—I have not hesitated to comply with his request in geveng to him this letter of introduction. In your retirement—I wish that you may enjoy many years of health— With sentiments of great esteem—I...
I duly recieved your favor of Apr. 19. and the check which it covered on the bank of Columbia , which I have sent on to Mess rs Conrads of Philadelphia , to whom perhaps it was due, for I think it was due to somebody. in my letter to you, I forgot to ask whether you had ever made the Swedish stoves of which I gave you the model sent me by the Earl of Buchan . I have so high an opinion of them,...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mess rs Edward Parker & Joseph Delaplaine, and his thanks for the communication of their prospectus for reprinting the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. possessing already every Encyclopedia which has been published in France , Great Britain & America , & a library moreover vastly beyond his present wants, he has for some time ceased to make additions to it, &...
Your kind favour, of April 12th. & 13th. as well as the Copy of Mr Hancock’s Sermon, sent by a preceding Mail, reached me in safety. An absence of several days from the City, together with an unusual pressure of professional avocations since my return, have prevented my making this acknowledgment at an earlier period. I feel myself much honoured by this testimony of kind and respectful...
Instructions to the Hon. John Adams, for the treaty of peace, dated 14th August, 1779 . Sir—You will herewith receive a commission, giving you full power to negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain, in doing which you will conform to the following information and instructions— 1st. The United States are sincerely desirous of peace, and wish by every means consistent with their dignity...
Your favor of Apr. 17. came duly to hand. nobody has regretted more sincerely than myself, the incidents which have happened at Washington . the early intimations, which I saw quoted from federal papers, were disregarded by me, because falshood is their element. the first confirmation was from the National Intelligencer, soon followed by the exultations of other papers whose havoc is on the...
Your favor on your departure from Richmond came to hand in due time. altho’ I may not have been among the first, I am certainly with the sincerest who congratulate you on your reentrance into the public National councils. your value there has never been unduly estimated by those whom personal feelings did not misguide. the late misunderstandings at Washington have been a subject of real...
I have just received with great satisfaction your very friendly letter of the 30 Ult. Of the occurrence at Washington I had as little suspicion as you had. And I, at this moment, know not to what infatuation to attribute it. From one of your old & uniform friends I some days since received a letter requesting information as to the ground there was for the Opinion, that you had been privy to...
I have the honour of forwarding to you a Map of the western part of the State of New York, shewing the route of a proposed Canal from Lake Erie to Hudson’s River—together, with the report of the Commissioners appointed to explore the route of an inland navigation from Hudson’s River to Lake Ontario, and Lake Erie—which may not be altogether uninteresting. With great consideration Your Most Ob:...
I thank you for the care you have taken of my friend Thouin’s letter which I have safely recieved, and especially of the box of seeds. with respect to the last I am obliged to request the further trouble of putting them into one of the stages for Philadelphia addressed to mr Bernard M c Mahon , gardener of that place, who will recieve & take care of them & pay the stage transportation. no...