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Results 27111-27120 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Copy: Virginia Historical Society As you have now furnish’d me with the copy of the Treaty, I do not know of any reason for remaining here any longer, therefore propose setting out for Vienna in two or 3 daies to execute my appointment at that Court, provided you will supply me with the necessary funds to bear the expence of my Commission. The money will not be immediately requisite, as a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ai pas perdu de vue, mon cher et respectable Monsieur, vos affaires d’Amerique; l’interest de vos colonies quand il ne seroit pas celui de la justice et de la vertu seroit le mien parce que c’est le votre. Je vois avec la plus grande satisfaction que vous touchez au moment de jouir d’une liberté qui est due à la prudence à la sagesse et à la Valeur; je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Capt. Michael Dupee in a Small Schooner I dispatchd from this place for Newbury Port the 26th. Octr. with Salt and Cloathing has made his Voyage and returnd here the 17th. Instant which gives me an opportunity to Inclose you the Two latest News papers he brought; my letters from my friends there Contain Nothing Material. If these papers give you aney...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Toul, January 20, 1778, in French: At forty-five I have served my country as a magistrate for the statutory term, and deserve to retire. A large family requires further work from me, and I have a thousand louis with which to make a good start in the United States, where land needs only men. To adopt this plan without advice would be irreparable stupidity;...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When I lately had the Honour to deliver Mr. Webb’s letter, you were So kind as to give me Leave to wait once more upon you, and to introduce my travelling Companion to the honour of your Acquaintance. Since that time I have been twice at Passy, but Business had always call’d you to town, and as I think that they will rather encrease at the present juncture...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of requesting one moment of your time, to Speake to you of a whole familÿ of british Subjects, their project is to go and Settle in North america. They are people of industry, familÿ and talents. The family consists in a father a daugther and two Cleaver young men. They intend to sett up in trade, and to correspond with europe. Every one...
27117General Orders, 20 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The General Officers commanding Brigades are desir’d to meet at General Sullivan’s Quarters tomorrow morning at ten ôClock in order to consider of the expediency of opening a public Market in camp; They are to take into consideration the proper Places and days of holding markets the regulations and guards necessary to preserve good order. The prices proper to be offered upon each article; in...
Inclosed you will receive a Commission, by which you will find, that you are restored to the rank you claim in the line of the Army. This I transmit by direction of Congress and in pursuance of their Resolution of the 29th of November. The situation of my papers & the want of Blank Commissions prevented me doing it before. May I venture to ask whether you are upon your Legs again—and if you...
I recd yours of the 13th instant last Evening, and have immediately written to Govr Livingston upon the Subject. I make no doubt but the prosecution will be immediately stopped upon my representation of the matter in its true light, and of my pointing out the impossibility of getting persons to undertake this kind of Business in future if they are not protected by us. Df , in Tench Tilghman’s...
I have not yet received an Answer respecting the Guard for the Salt works sollicited in your memorial. Till you hear further from me upon the subject, you may detain a Captain two subalterns and Sixty men of the detachment of your Regiment now in Monmouth, for the purpose of Guarding the works the remainder be pleased to send forward to Camp with Captain Combes, with whom be pleased to send...