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Results 27101-27150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I duly recieved your favor of Mar. 28. with the copy of the oration it covered. accept my thanks...
Your favor of Nov. 4. 09. did not get to my hands till a twelvemonth after it’s date. be pleased...
I duly recieved your favor of Mar. 1. with the map it covered, for which be pleased to accept my...
I received only two or three days ago your letter dated the 24th: of September of the last year;...
The enclosed you will perceive embraces delicate subjects. In the present posture of our affairs,...
Immediately on the reciept of your letter , I desired mr Bacon to be on the lookout for Hubbard ,...
9 May 1811, Santa Fe de Bogotá. Announces the repudiation of the Spanish government as a...
9 May 1811, Philadelphia. Has purchased the gray horse as JM requested “& will send him forward...
I am duly favor’d with yours of the 30 th ultimo . The window glass was forwarded by Thomas Becks...
Wednsday 8th I started again for Monticello — Mr Kelly when I g ot t o Char. went with me. When...
In passing to the Western Country M r W m R. Nimmo a young man of respectability is extremely...
I duly recieved your favor of Apr. 19. and the check which it covered on the bank of Columbia ,...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mess rs Edward Parker & Joseph Delaplaine, and his...
Your kind favour, of April 12th. & 13th. as well as the Copy of Mr Hancock’s Sermon, sent by a...
Instructions to the Hon. John Adams, for the treaty of peace, dated 14th August, 1779 . Sir—You...
Your favor of Apr. 17. came duly to hand. nobody has regretted more sincerely than myself, the...
Your favor on your departure from Richmond came to hand in due time. altho’ I may not have been...
I have just received with great satisfaction your very friendly letter of the 30 Ult. Of the...
I have the honour of forwarding to you a Map of the western part of the State of New York,...
I thank you for the care you have taken of my friend Thouin’s letter which I have safely...
My old friend Thouin , Director of the National garden of France has just sent me a fresh parcel...
I have duly recieved your favor of Apr. 23 d & with it a certificate by which it appears that the...
I have recd. yours of the 24 Apl. and return the letter inclosed in it; after having made the...
Believing it to comport with the fidelity I owe you, I offer for your perusal the enclosed. Colo...
3 May 1811. Declares, under the terms of the 30 Apr. 1810 act providing for the sale of certain...
In obedience to the request contained in your polite note , of the 28’th Ultimo , with which we...
I have rec d yours of the 24 Ap l and return the letter inclosed in it ; after having made the...
I have rejoiced to see Ritchie declare himself in favor of the President on the late attack...
The interest you were so kind as to take, at my request, in the case of Duane , and the...
The religious ceremony of which in my last Letter I gave you an account, began at Midnight and...
I now do myself the honor to inclose to you, a Map of the western Part of the State of New York ,...
I have delayed a few days my answer to your very kind letter of the 16 th wishing first to...
The information given me by Mr. Ridley upon my arrival in Paris, that Dr. Franklin had written to...
William S. Dallam altho an humble Citizen of Kentuckey One of the constituent members of the...
M r Oemler , of Georgia , a very intelligent gentleman, who has devoted much attention to the...
I have recieved your favor of the 15 th . you are right as to my omission of the supply of iron...
I thank you for your kind inquiries. I am better to day. I had the Rheumatism in my head, and was...
30 April 1811, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. “Being in London in 1797 I entere’d into the Brittish...
When I wrote you my letter of Mar. 28. I had great confidence that as much at least could have...
I have Contemplated writing this letter for a considerable time and hope that you will think...
I have learnt, with sincere concern, the circumstances which have taken place at Washington ....
I am informed that a vessel belong to Mr: W. R. Gray, called the Washington, which sailed from...
S Hanson of Saml. respectfully begs leave of the President to acknowledge the receipt of a letter...
29 April 1811, Philadelphia. Has resided the last six years in Trinidad where he has a...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you last summer at my Mothers , I informed you, that M r...
Scarcly a week has past, for these two Months in which I have not written either to my Son, or to...
This Line will go by the Ship Hugh Johnston William Johnston Master bound for St. Petersbourg....
Being now indulged with leisure to investigate any subject, a privilege which you did not once...
As the object of that Society over which you have the honor of presiding is for the promotion of...
The Baptist Church on Neels Creek in Cumberland County in the State of North Carolina having...