Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Dortic to Thomas Jefferson, 11 May 1811

From John Dortic

New York May 11th 1811.


Agreeably to your instruction respecting the Garden Seed box I forwarded it to day to Philadelphia through the Swift Sure Stage with the direction to Mr Bernard McMahon.

The entry of that box was made with many other things and the Value was estimated so low that the duty can not be calculated. As for th[e] freight, it is over1 paid by the pleasure I had to be agreeable to you, Sir, I am Sorry that the object was of So little2 consideration. Whatever be the case you may depend upon my care as much as You may believe me Very Respectfully

Sir Your Most Obedient servt

John Dortic

RC (DLC); edge trimmed; at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq.”; endorsed by TJ as received 19 May 1811 and so recorded in SJL.

1Manuscript: “overd.”

2Manuscript: “So a little.”

Index Entries

  • Dortic, John; forwards seeds to TJ search
  • Dortic, John; letters from search
  • McMahon, Bernard; forwards seeds from A. Thoüin search
  • seeds; sent to TJ search
  • Thoüin, André; sends seeds to TJ search