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Results 27051-27100 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
May 27, 1784. Lists persons against whom judgments have been entered under the Confiscation Law. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Visscher was an Albany lawyer who was clerk of the city and county of Albany.
May 28, 1784. “There is an Ejectment depending in the Supreme Court for Lands in this County for the Family of the Rooseboom’s agt: Pearsall Brown, in which the Lessors of the Plf: request You will consider Yourself retained as Council on their Behalf.… I have a similar Request to you from the Devisees of Catharine Brett, who claim a considerable Tract in the Rumbout Precinct in this County...
Inclosed you have a list of sundry bills Exchd herewith. Should any of the Persons on whom Mr Macarty has drawn decline acceptance because of the time: You have his consent to grant them any indulgence on this head. I have forwarded them to you because he has confidence that they will be paid & if so will prevent my sending on Money and also because he is a particular acquaintance of our...
[ New York, June 8, 1784. The catalogue description of a letter to Benson from Hamilton reads: “Mainly on legal business, concluding: ‘No thing new here except that the Whigs by way of eminence (as they distinguish themselves) are degenerating fast into a very peaceable set of people.’” Letter not found. ] ALS , sold at Anderson Galleries, May 9, 1912, Lot 65.
Colonel Clarkeson, who will have the honor of delivering you this, being already known to you, I give him this letter more for the sake of renewing to you the assurances of my attachment and esteem, than from a supposition that he will stand in need of any new title to your attention. I will therefore only say of him that his excellent qualities cannot be known without interesting those to...
I arrived here three Days since, and cannot let slip the Opportunity which the Departure of the Marquis de la Fayette offers me to drop you a Line. I cannot say how long I shall remain here, but I shall not exceed next week, unless a Treaty that Wadsworth and myself are about entering on with the Farmers General to supply them with Tobacco should take Place in which Case I may be detained here...
[ New York, June 17, 1784. Requests that Bowne “Let me know if you please Whether Philip Palmer and Joseph Palmer are both alive or not, and whether Mr. Leonard Lawrence is Executor or Administrator to his father.” Letter not found. ] ALS , sold at American Art Association Galleries, November 24, 1924, Lot 329. Bowne was a member of the firm of Bowne and Company of New York City, stationers...
[ New York, June 18, 1784. On July 24, 1784, Church wrote to Hamilton : “Two Days since Coll Clarkson arrived and brought me your Favor of the 18th June.” Letter not found. ]
I have been duely honored with your letter of the 30th of March; and am much flattered by the confidence you have reposed in me. I should with pleasure have undertaken to execute your wishes had I been in a situation that left me at liberty to do it; but it has happened that Mr. Wilkes sometime since applied to me on the same subject; and though I was not absolutely retained by him, yet as I...
New York, June 24, 1784. Discusses a legal controversy between Richard and Gommes. Agrees to give half of any damages received from Gommes to the New York City poorhouse. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. This letter is in French. Richard was a merchant of Santo Domingo. This could be either Isaac Gomez or Moses Gomez, both of whom were New York City merchants.
June 29, 1784. Sends information on judgments entered against Joshua de St. Croix and James Leonard. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
This is rather a late Period to acknowlege yours of the seventh of April. I have lived in the constant Intention to answer it & I now execute my Purpose. But why not sooner? Procrastination is the Thief of Time says Doctor Young. I meant to have written fully on the Subject of the Gold. But I waited some Informations from Annapolis on the Probability of a Mint. I afterwards intended a long...
Philadelphia, July 4, 1784. Asks for information concerning an act of the New York legislature “relative to debts due to persons who were Residents of Your State, and whose Estates have been forfeited.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Forman had been a New Jersey Loyalist who joined the British army. He was taken prisoner and later released in Pennsylvania. When this letter was...
Inclosed you have Mr Peter Whiteside’s draft on Messrs. James Buckannan & Co. for One thousand Dollars at six days Sight, Mr Thomas Irwin on Captn Geo Geddes at 5 days sight for twenty three pounds 9/2, & James Bowne on William Bowne at twenty days for seventy five dollars, making on the whole four hundred twenty six pounds 11/8 which I doubt not will meet due honour. This I have charg’d to Mr...
[ New York ] July 23, 1784 . “Mr. Laurance & myself who have been retained by Mr. R. Smith being about to leave Town, I have recommended Mr. Smith to you in our absence.” ALS , Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas. Varick was recorder for New York City. John Laurance, a New York lawyer.
I wrote you last from France by M de la Fayette two Days since Coll Clarkson arrived and brought me your Favor of the 18th June. I am glad to find by him that your violent Party in New York begins to moderate. I hope shortly that Humanity and good Policy will replace Violence and Folly. If the Bank is not solidly established I do not wish to be concerned in it. Wadsworth is gone to Ireland...
I arrived here My beloved Betsey the fifth day after we set out, the three first days with every favourable circumstance but the two last through very bad weather. I am however as well as I can be absent from you and my darling boy —nor was I ever more impatient to be at home. I can have little pleasure elsewhere. I hope and persuade myself My Betsey is not less desirous for my return....
After a long long Chasm in Our Epistolary Intercourse, I received your favour of the 17th. of May last by the hands of Mr. Beekman. That Gentleman’s General Account of you has given me, & your other friends here, a vast deal of pleasure. For, believe me, I have always had a just & secret pride in having Advised you to go to America, & in having recommended you to Some of my old friends there;...
[ England, August 1, 1784. On February 2, 1785, Seton wrote to Hamilton : “I only trouble you with these few Lines to mention the Earnest Wish I have to hear of your Receipt of Mine of 1st. August.” Letter not found. ]
Colonel fleury’s Complimens, to his former friend Colonel hamilton; he has written several Letters to him from the west indias, & france, but Received no answer. & he tis now going to take the Command of a Regiment at the island of france, & does not expect to hear from him, but he shall for ever remember with pleasure, that Col. hamilton was a friend of his in america, & wish him all kinds of...
[ New York, August 4, 1784. On October 18, 1784, Forman wrote to Hamilton : “I am favored with your Letter of the 20th past and … one written the 4th. August.” Letter of August 4 not found. ]
Mr. Hamilton requests the pleasure of General Webbes Company at dinner on Monday at four oClock. AL , Yale University Library. Webb was a native of Connecticut who before his retirement from the Army in 1783 had been made a brigadier general. Webb settled in New York City after the war. This letter is undated but the endorsement reads: “7th. August 1784.”
I received in due time your letter of 14 of July. The bills sent by you which have been paid and will be paid are on James & Alex Stewart £ 600 ditto   300 on Delafield   149. 4 James Buchanan & Co   400 on Cap G. Geddes    23. 9.2 William Bowne    30      1502.13.2 The Drafts on Lowe and Woodward I return by Mr. Mc.Cartys desire who will have explained to you. The ballance due on the lot will...
Your letter of the 14th Inst was deliverd to me late last evening, incloseing Messrs Traceys obligation. I shall inform their agent and get the Shares transferd immediately. I will forward the money you request in the course of next week. Mr Church wrote me sometime in Feby last that I should receive by the Dauphin three boxes, two marked JBC—and one marked PS—which is a box of garden seeds...
Col Hamilton will do himself the pleasure to dine with General Web tomorrow AL , Yale University Library.
Hartford, September 4, 1784. “On receiving your letter I was sorry to find, that you had not mentioned the names of those Merchants, who compose the firm of Turnbull, Marmie & Co.—without which, you are sensible, that any Writ I could draw must abate. I have not been able to discover them by my enquiries in this place; but fearing least the Property mentioned in Mr. Duer’s letter might be...
[ New York, September 20, 1784. On October 18, 1784, Forman wrote to Hamilton : “I am favored with your Letter of the 20th past.” Letter not found. ]
It is an age since I had the Pleasure of Receiving a line from you altho’ several Vessells have lately arrived from New York. By the Mentor Captn. Lawton I sent you address’d to the Care of Mr. Nathl. Shalor a Machine for the Purpose of copying writings with Paper Ink and every Thing belonging to it, I wish you may find it of Use to you. Mrs. Church has spent six weeks at Yarmouth and bathed...
Philadelphia, September 30, 1784. Encloses legal papers to be used by Hamilton in “execution of the will of … John Holt, late of New-York printer deceased.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. After the war Pickering, a native of Massachusetts, settled in Philadelphia where he became a merchant.
Colo Hamilton presents his compliments to Genl Webb requests the favor of his company to dinner on saturday next at four OClock. Letter in unidentified handwriting, Yale University Library.
With all the warmth of my long and tender friendship I Congratulate You Upon the Birth of Your daughter, and Beg leave to present Mrs Hamilton With my most Affectionate Respects. Several delays Have Retarded the Oppening of the treaty and When I was Upon the Ground, it Has Been found that my influence with the Indians Both friendly and Hostile tribes, was much Greater than the Commissioners...
New York, October 8, 1784. On this date the President, Directors, and Stockholders of the Bank of New York petitioned “the Honorable The Representatives of the State of New York in Senate and Assembly convened” for the passage of “an Act to incorporate the Subscribers to the said Bank by the Name and Stile of the President Directors and Company of the Bank of New York.” The petition set forth...
The flattering token of their regard with which the Mayor Recorder & Alderman of the metropolis of a state distinguished for its exertions in the late revolution have honored me, derives additional value from the characters of the respectable individuals who compose that body and from the very obliging manner in which it is conferred. The degree of my zeal for the common cause of America will...
Philadelphia, October 18, 1784. “I am favored with your letter of the 20th past and … one written the 4th. August. I want you to Write Wade and [John] Philips of Philadelphia, demanding payment of their Bond.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Neither letter has been found.
Every step I move there Comes upon me a Happy Necessity to Change my plans. The Reception I met with in Boston no Words Can describe—at least it is impossible to Express what I Have felt. Gratitude as well as propriety Conspired With all other inducements to keep me Here Some time longer. Rhode island and New Hampshire I must visit—and intend embarking By the first or second day of next month...
Mrs. Renselaaer has requested me to write to you concerning a negro, Ben, formerly belonging to Mrs. Carter who was sold for a term of years to Major Jackson. Mrs. Church has written to her sister that she is very desirous of having him back again; and you are requested if Major Jackson will part with him to purchase his remaining time for Mrs. Church and to send him on to me. There are also...
According to his biographer ( Robertson, The Life of Miranda William S. Robertson, The Life of Miranda (Chapel Hill, 1929). , I, 43), Miranda, while in New York City in 1784, devised a plan for the liberation of Venezuela which he revealed to Henry Knox and Hamilton. In the Miranda papers there are four lists of names, three of which are in the writing of Hamilton, and one of which is in an...
Note of Mr. hamilton General Washington. General Du Portail..! Major general Green.—! General Wayne. General Knox.—! General Williams. General St. Clair. Colonel Dearborn.! General M Dougall. Colonel Brook! Marquis Lafayette. Colonel Putnam.! Major général Baron de Steuben.! Colonel hull. D , Academia Nacional de la Historia, Caracas, Venezuela. AD , Academia Nacional de la Historia. AD
Inclosed you have bill of Lading for two boxes remaining in my care for Mr Church. I suppose these must contain the several articles wanted by the Ladies as they are the only packages in my possession that does not contain Merchandize directed for Sale. Mr Church informed me that a package would be sent by the same Vessell that brought those, containing things for his use and which he desired...
The Baron De Steuben has informed me that he is about to set out for Trenton, where he expects to make application to Congress for a final settlement of his pretensions. I feel myself so much interested in the success of his intended application, that I cannot forbear taking the liberty to recommend his case to your particular patronage. I have been an eye-witness to the services he has...
[ New York, December 9, 1784–1788. “My public engagements have not only left me bare of Cash but have lain me under a necessity to use my credit at the Bank as far as consisstently with delicacy in my station of director I ought to go.… The opportunities my profession gives me have taught me to consider partnerships under all circumstances as delicate and hazardous things.… I am sure for once...
New York, December 10, 1784. “When you were in town you mentioned to me some cause which you expected to come on at the circuit and to which you wished me to attend. As the parties have escaped my recollection …, I have concluded to write to you on the subject; that you may inform me who are the parties & what the controversy.” ALS , The Huntington Library, San Marino, California. Part of this...
Mon Ami! J’ai remis Votre lettre a Mr: J. Je le trouve disposé a Seconder mes demandes, Lesquels d’après son opinion je doit presenter au Congres sans perte de tems; quand meme la decision devroit en etre retarde. Ainsi Envoyer moi le Memoire sans delai, je L’attendroi ici a Trenton avant que J’aille a Philadelphie. Il S’agit de nommer un Secretair ou Ministre de Guerre, Le Gros Candidat du...
Yonkers [ New York ] December 29, 1784 . Sends a citation from Morris Hazard, and a copy of the proceedings against Rufus Herrick. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Van Cortlandt was a New York landowner.
[ New York, 1784 ]. In a letter beginning “Nothing could justify my repeated applications to Your Honorable body, but that rigorous lot by which I feel myself oppressed,” Hamilton set forth von Steuben’s claims to compensation by the Continental Congress. Df , in writing of H, Mr. Herbert R. Strauss, Chicago. Because von Steuben sent so many memorials to Congress, any one of which may have...
I presume Mr. Jones has ere this informed you of the disagreeable turn of your affair with Mr. Wilkes; but as you first committed it to my management I think it proper to give you some account of its conclusion. As Mr. Jones does not at this time practice, he employed Mr. Burr to issue process against Mr. Wilkes upon which he was put into confinement; pursuant to your expectation that his...
New York, January 7, 1785. At the bottom of an itemized account of money owed Mulligan by Philip Schuyler, Mulligan signed the following receipt: “Recd payment (by the hands of Col. Hammelton) in full.” ADS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Despite the reliance by H’s biographers on Hercules Mulligan’s narrative of the life of H (written sometime between 1810 and 1815), this receipt and...
New York, January 7, 1785. “I am mortified in being obliged to acknowlege to you my neglect of the business you committed to my care for your friend Mr. Holt. … I have applied to Mrs. Holt. I find she has some time since taken out letters of Administration with the will annexed during the absence of the Executors; a matter in which she never could have found any difficulty. It would indeed be...
[ England, January 8, 1785. On February 2, 1785, Seton wrote to Hamilton : “I also wrote you a few Lines the 8th of this Month.” Since Seton wrote this letter on February 2, he must have been referring to January 8. Letter not found. ]
New York, January 10, 1785. Itemizes amounts of money paid for a house in New York City during the British occupation. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Jamieson was the head of the dry goods house of Neil Jamieson and Company located at 933 Water Street, New York City. H wrote on the margin of this letter the names of the various British commanders in New York from 1778 to 1783.