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Results 27051-27060 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
As I was appointed by Governor Livingston, to the Command of General Newcomb’s Brigade, I thought it my duty to acquaint Your Exellency with the State of the Militia under my Command—There is about five hundred at this time out in Service, wch has in general proved a sufficient force to prevent any trade or Intercourse between this country & the city of Philada—But we have not in other...
Letter not found: from Archibald Kennedy, Jr., 15 Jan. 1778. GW wrote Kennedy on 20 Jan. 1778 : “I received yours of the 15th last Evening.”
Should it be thought expedient to draw a Body of Men together early next Spring, it will be necessary for us to know precisely what number of Arms we could have ready for such an emergency. I have desired Colo. Flowers to make me a return of all at the magazines under his immediate direction, & have wrote to the Commissary at Springfield to do the like. You will be pleased to make the proper...
From Intelligence which I believe may be relied on, great Quantities of Provisions are carried into Philadelphia by the way of Coopers Ferry. I have given the stricktest orders against suffering this infamous Practice, both to the civil & military officers, in those parts. But I fear Sir, that without your Interference, it will not be suppressed. I have the Honor to be with great Respect your...
The enclosed recommendation of the honourable house of General Assembly of this state, founded on a recommendation of Congress, has been repeatedly under consideration: As we are persuaded that however it may be in other states, we cannot reasonably expect in this state where property is in general very equally divided, that farmers will exert themselves to enlist their neighbours children in...
In a letter from you of the 25th Octobr last, you informed me that twenty three Boats had been saved from the Enemy, besides what were up Esopus Creek, the number of which you did not then know. You at the same time informed me that you should have those put into repair that wanted it, and set the Carpenters at work to build new ones. I shall be glad to hear in your next what number you have...
We had the Honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of the 29th Ultimo, inclosing a return of the Rhode Island Regiments; it gives us very sensible Pain, when we consider the deficiency in our Battalions, and how impracticable it is for us at present to remedy it. We have ever esteemed it of the highest and most important consequence to have the Continental Battalions compleat, for which...
I Arriv’d with my party at this place last Night, but have been Oblig’d to halt this day as well for to get my men provisions as to Consult with General Potter Col. Stewart &ca Concerning the manner in which we should proceed in driving off the Stock between the Enemy’s Lines and the River Delaware. We have Concluded it is not worth while beginning nearer to Philada than Eight Miles, as the...
The Senate conceive that, in the present Question, it is of no consequence whether the constituent Parts of our Legislature resemble the Lords and Commons of Great Britain , or whether the Senate is made to resemble the House of Lords in this or that Particular. Clearly pointed out as they have supposed the Office of the two Houses to be in the matter on which a Difference of Opinion has...
(I) LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress, Harvard University Library; (II) ALS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress, Harvard University Library; (III) ALS : National Archives; ALS (draft): Library of Congress; copy: Harvard University Library As it is not in our Power to procure you such a Ship as you expected, we advise you after equipping the Ranger in the best...