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Results 27031-27060 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
27031General Orders, 14 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Majors of Brigade will deliver a list of the Field Officers in the several brigades to which...
I am really ashamed of my long Silence: which has been owing altogether to the Want of Meterials...
Since the date of my last the 5th Inst. I have been honoured by the receipt of Your Excellency’s...
I am honoured with your Excellency’s favour of the 27th Decr Inst. And am greatly obliged by your...
It is represented to me, that Robert Wilson, who I am told, acts as Commissary under Mr Blain,...
The Committee of Congress who are appointed to attend at the Camp on Business will acquaint your...
I Recived your favor of the 12th Instant I will do every thing in my Power to put a stop to...
Your Letter of the 9th Instant was deliver’d to me yesterday—and I immediately acquainted the...
As Genl Weedon and I have consulted together with regard to the Arrangement of the Army &c., I...
Letter not found: to Maj. Benjamin Tallmadge, 14 Jan. 1778. John Laurens docketed Tallmadge’s...
I am Honored with your Letters of the 15th & 29th Ultimo The Genl Assembly of this State convened...
I rec d . your kind Letter of the 2 d . Inst. with 100 Dollars from M r. Sam l . Broome which...
The eleventh article of Virginia’s Form of Government ( Hening, Statutes William Waller Hening,...
Whereas the various and vague claims to unpattented Lands under the former Government, covering...
I had this Moment the Honour of receiving the Order of the Honourable the House of...
I was honoured on the 7th. Instant by the Receipt of your favour of the 9th. Ultimo by the hands...
ALS : National Archives Whereas we understand that Capt. Jones has in View to strike a Stroke...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Letter of the 10th. instant mentioned a Book, which I...
27049General Orders, 15 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
Colls Humpton and Gibson, Lt Coll Vose & Majors Furnald and Ball are appointed to repair to the...
I have thought it my duty to forward to Head Quarters a Certain Hofman Lowrey—that has under the...
As I was appointed by Governor Livingston, to the Command of General Newcomb’s Brigade, I thought...
Letter not found: from Archibald Kennedy, Jr., 15 Jan. 1778. GW wrote Kennedy on 20 Jan. 1778 :...
Should it be thought expedient to draw a Body of Men together early next Spring, it will be...
From Intelligence which I believe may be relied on, great Quantities of Provisions are carried...
The enclosed recommendation of the honourable house of General Assembly of this state, founded on...
In a letter from you of the 25th Octobr last, you informed me that twenty three Boats had been...
We had the Honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of the 29th Ultimo, inclosing a return of...
I Arriv’d with my party at this place last Night, but have been Oblig’d to halt this day as well...
The Senate conceive that, in the present Question, it is of no consequence whether the...
(I) LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress, Harvard University Library; (II) ALS :...