27031Horatio Gates to Alexander Hamilton, James Duane, and William Duer, 5 February 1787 (Hamilton Papers)
I received The packet you Honoured me with by The Bearer Mr. J. Nourse, and immediately forwarded...
27032New York Assembly. Remarks on an Act for Regulating Elections, [6 February 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
Mr. Hamilton observed that when the discriminating clauses admitted into the bill by that house,...
27033To Alexander Hamilton from Paul Bascom, 8 February 1787 (Hamilton Papers)
Turks-Island , February 8, 1787 . “I wrote you in July last … respecting the Business of Mrs....
27034New York Assembly. Report on a Petition from George Fisher, [8 February 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
Mr. Hamilton, from the Committee to whom was referred the petition of George Fisher, reported,...
27035New York Assembly. Remarks on an Act Concerning Murder, [8 February 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
On that part of the bill, which required that women who clandestinely were delivered of children...
27036Introductory Note: New York Assembly. An Act for Raising Certain Yearly Taxes Within This State, [9 February 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
The Assembly of the New York legislature resolved on January 17, 1787, “that a Committee be...
27037Second Draft of an Act for Raising Certain Yearly Taxes Within This State, [9 February 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
Plan of Specific Taxation to be substituted to the Present mode by assessment: Together with the...
27038Third Draft of an Act for Raising Certain Yearly Taxes Within This State, [9 February 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
Whereas from the impossibility of finding any determinate rule for ascertaining the comparitive...
27039New York Assembly. Remarks on an Act for the Relief of Arthur Noble, [9 February 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
The intention of this bill was to enable the commissioners of the land office to convey to Mr....
27040To Alexander Hamilton from Israel Beach, 13 February 1787 (Hamilton Papers)
Newark [ New Jersey ] February 13, 1787 . Requests advice on the payment of certain bonds. ALS ,...