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Results 27031-27040 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Among other Letters w h . I have had the pleasure of rec g . from you, there is one of the 27 th Aug t . Aug last, in which at the Request of the Chargé des affaires of the Court palatine and of Bavaria, you inclosed a Memorial & Contract to be conveyed to Congress, & thro’ them to the Governm t . of Pennsylvania, in order to obtain Justice for a palatine Subject from a Person settled at...
Last night I received your Favour of the 23 d. of May.— I regret extreamly that I must loose the opportunity of the Company of M r Vanberckel to America: but there is no appearance, that the definitive Treaty will be Signed in Time to allow me that Satisfaction and Advantage. The Treaty with Sweeden is now printing with a Collection of the Constitutions and Treaties, which is making under the...
In Answer to your Favour of 25. Ult. I can only say that I have no Information of the United States having acceeded to the armed Neutrality, on the Contrary I have Reasons to doubt it. My Son, I hope behaves to your Satisfaction and that of Madame Dumas, follows his Studies with Ardour and writes to me, every Post, takes a Walk in the Wood every day &c. Does he Speak the German? has he lost...
I have received your Favour of the 10 th. as well as the two former, with their Inclosures. The first I Sent by M r Tracy a Sure hand, by the Way of London, and the two Latter, I shall Send the Same Way by another private Hand, so that all three will go safe and as soon or sooner than by the Way of L’orient The two Abbys who continue their freindly and brotherly Course of Life, very often...
It has ever been my intention to come in Person to the Hague, and take Leave of their High Mightinesses, with all the Respect in my Power, before my departure for America. it is still my design. If it is the usage of their High Mightinesses, as you Say it is, to make a Present of a Chain upon the occasion, it will be very agreable to me to accept it, and in the Language of my Countrymen I hope...
Your favour of 13. is received, and I thank you, for the Trouble you have taken concerning my son, and I beg you to present my most hearty Thanks to the Duke de la Vauguion for the Compassion he had for me in my affliction and for the Trouble he has taken, in writing to the Minister of France at Hambourg, and to M r D’Asp for writing to Stockholm Elsineur and Copenhagen.— I have within a few...
In answer to the questions in your’s of 18 th , I beg leave to inform you, that in my opinion M r. Dana is the only proper person in Europe to treat with anybody in Europe about the Armed Neutrality and the Liberty of Navigation— It is true, our former Power is not expressly revoked, but I consider M r. Dana’s Commissions in form to be an implicit and tacit Revocation of ours—so that I dare...
It is Sometime Since I had a Line from you or my Son. I hope all is well. I can give you no News. There is a Species of Witchcraft governs in England which keeps them from knowing their own Minds.— and a similar malignant Spirit reigns in America and prevents Us from getting any Intelligence from thence.— I sometimes feel Wroth enough, to wish for the Revival of an old Spirit to hang these...
I am honoured with yours of the 7. and 8 of June. I have been introduced here, to Sir James Harris, who Seems to be a Sensible and agreable Man. I Should think it most adviseable, for you and for myself if I were at the Hague, to behave Towards him as the Minister of a Sovereign in Amity with the United States, not discovering any Aversion or Jealousy, on one side more than common, nor more...
In Answer to the Inquiry of M r Fagel you will please to inform him that the Letters of Credence of M r Van Berckell should be addressed “To the United States of America in Congress assembled” “Friends and Allies.” The King of France indeed has added the Word “great.” “great Friends and Allies.”— But I think it would be much better to leave out the Word great and all other Epithets.— Congress...