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Results 27011-27020 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your letter of Nov. 27. shewing that mine of Nov. 14. had not then got to hand, had given me alarm for it’s fate, and I had sat down to write you a second acknolegement of the receipt of your two favors of Octob. 23. and 26. and to add the receipt also of those of Nov. 14. 22. and 27. A copy of my answer of Nov. 14. was prepared to be inclosed to you, but in that moment came your favors of...
I had the honour of writing to you yesterday, and after sending my letter to the post-office, received a notification that the distribution of the gazette of Leyden here was prohibited. The purpose of the present therefore is merely to ask the favor of you to make interest with your friend Luzac to send me the paper by post during the interval of it’s prohibition. If put under a common letter...
I have been ever since the month of March in daily expectation of receiving permission to return to America. Your letters therefore of Mar. 24. Apr. 3. 29. and June 19. have remained unacknoleged, because I expected to acknolege them in my letter of Adieu. The same expectation has prevented my friends in America from writing to me. So that, uninformed myself of American transactions, I have...
[ Paris, 20 Nov. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Dumas. Inclosed letters to Senf, Hogendorp and publication for Leyd. gaz.” Letter not found; the enclosed letters are to Senf, 5 Nov. 1784 and to Hogendorp, 20 Nov. 1784; for the enclosed “publication for Leyd. gaz.,” see TJ’s statement of the misrepresentation of affairs in America, following, and explanatory note for what may be a paragraph from...
My last to you was of Aug. 30. Since that I have received your Nos. 84. 85. 86. 87. and one of Sep. 17. without a No. Congress having closed their session on the 8th. Ult. I now forward you a copy of the laws passed thereat.—Mr. Pinkney is now here on his way to London as our Min. Plenipotentiary there. You will therefore, in cases of need, correspond with him of course. I will ask the favor...
I arrived at this Place the latter end of March, and undertook the Office, to which the President had been pleased to appoint me, of Secretary of State, which comprehends that of the foreign Affairs. Before I had got through the most pressing Matters which had been accumulating, a long Illness came upon me, and put it out of my Power for many Weeks to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letters. I...
I have been duly honoured with the receipt of your separate letters of Aug. 23. and should sooner have returned an answer, but that as you had written also to Mr. Adams I thought it possible I might receive his sentiments on the subject in time for the post. Not thinking it proper to lose the occasion of the post, I have concluded to communicate to you my separate sentiments, which you will of...
Having at length received my leave of absence, I have sent off my baggage, and shall follow it myself within a week or ten days. I am as yet incertain whether I shall sail from Havre or Lorient. My last information from America is of the 25th. of July. Our new government was then going on with great harmony, and all opposition to it expired, except in the state of Rhode island. I do not know...
This will be delivered you by the two Mr. Morrises, and Mr. Basseville; the former are sons of our late financier which will be a sufficient voucher to you of their condition and that they are objects of just respect and attention. The latter is their tutor, a gentleman of letters, of reputation and of merit. I take the liberty of introducing them to your notice, and of asking your attentions...
I am honoured with your favor of the 5th. instant and will forward the letter to Mr. Jay by the packet boat which sails the 25th. of this month. I am sorry for the situation in which Mr. Grand’s refusal to make further advances has placed you. I know it’s pain, because I participate of it. The aspect of your public affairs has also been discouraging. Perhaps the war kindled between Russia and...