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Results 27011-27060 of 184,431 sorted by author
Having seen Coll Fitzgerald in Town some Weeks since, he promised to do me the Favor to forward my Letter to Genl Prescot to which I cannot as yet expect an Answer if he is not in New york or Jersey. If he should not have left Rhode Island and an Answer should not arrive in a reasonable Time I shall be glad to be inform’d whether your Excellency will do me the Favor to send in an Officer of...
A few Days since I recd your Excellency’s Letter, in Maryld, dated white Plains, inclosing one from the Commissioners of Arrangement respecting my not performing the Duties incident to my Station, and desiring I may be orderd to my Regiment, without being previously exchang’d; and that in Case of Refusal there would be a Vacancy to which an active Officer might be entitled to succeed. The...
The Subscribers appointed on the part of Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Burke to consider whether there was an honorable Ground of accomodation between the parties in respect to certain Expressions made use of by Mr. Burke in the house of Representatives on Wednesday last, relatively to an Eulogium pronounced by Mr. Hamilton on general Green on the 4th. of July last, having inquired into the...
The Bearer, Mr Nicholas Pariset, who has been naturalized in the State of New Jersey, intending to go to the West Indies, is desirous of procuring a Pass authenticated under the Seal of the United States, for the security of his Person & Property in Case he should meet with armed Vessells in the Course of his Voyage—I do not know whether it is usual to grant Passes of this Natur<e>—if it is, I...
I have just received, from an authentic Source, a piece of Information, in regard to the military State of Canada, which I deem it my duty to lay before you. My Correspendent states that “there are several Regiments on their way to Canada, and two new Regts. of Riflemen have been raised in the Province, of about 500. each—one called the Glengary Light Infantry , the other the Canadian...
Having been apprized that an Application was made to you in December last, to procure my nomination to a field-Officer’s Commission in the Regiment of U.S. Cavalry , I beg leave to inform you that such application was made without my knowledge, or authority. RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq re ”; endorsed by TJ as received 11 Oct. 1809 and so recorded in SJL . Thomas...
Since the expiration of my tour of duty in the service of the U.States, much of my time has been occupied in attention to the military arrangements of the Government of this District, and nearly $300,000. have been received from the War Office, and disbursed by me thro’ the Quarter Master’s & pay-master’s Departments. It is not my intention to make any charge for my little services, nor does...
I do not doubt you have been informed before this of Mr. Kuhn’s detention in the Tower of this City, and of his subsequent banishment from hence with orders never to approach within forty leagues of the French Coasts or of the seat of the Imperial Court. Since said event I have been order’d by the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris to continue to act at this Port as...
I have the honor of transmitting Your Excellency the Copy of a Letter I have receiv’d from the Prefect of this Department. Before I conform to his request, I think it my duty to demand Your Excellency’s consent, and have in the interim answerd him that such were my intentions. Some of the Consuls and Agents here have, as I am told, sent their petitions direct to the Minister of the foreign...
I had the honor to present my respects to You Sir the 25th: of July last Year, giving you notice, that I had Shipped on Board the Ship Gosport of Philadelphia, Isaiah Bunker Master, two Boxes to your address containing a Statue of Bonaparte, with a Pedestal, and finding myself deprived of your new’s accusing the reception of the same, this induces me by way of precaution to inclose herein a...
I had the honor of presenting you my respects the 7th. November last as per Triplicate here inclosed, which I confirm and now transmit the usual list of arrivals at this Port within the last Six months of 1807 only amounting to two Vessels. The many condemnations of American Ships and Cargo’s by the English at Malta, and the hostilities lately committed by the Algerines against the flag of the...
I confirm my respects of the 27th. Jany. last and have the honor of transmitting a Copy herewith. This goes by the conveyance of Capn. Thos. B. Stevens of the Brig Hope, which has been detained several weeks at this Port in consequence of the Embargo decreed by His Imperial Majesty, but on application to the Minister at Paris has been released, notwithstanding the same Embargo still continues...
The fervency that I have, and shall ever use for the progress of Arts & sciences particularly for the benefit of our Country (which I have the honour to represent as Vice Consul in Genoa these eleven Years passed,) Induces me to adress to Your Excellency a statue in Alabaster, representing Napoleon, when he crossed the Alps before the Battle of Marengo, which I beg Your Excellence to accept as...
I avail myself of the favorable occasion per M r Baker now here with family, to have the honor to address you, and to pray you, Sir to receive a few select seeds of choiced flowers and plants produced on this soil, I hope they may prove fruitful in yours, if So, it will afford me the highest gratification to remit you Annual samples. Praying you Sir to excuse this liberty I have the honor to...
In answer to your favor dated Novr: 1st: 1817 I had the honor to present my respects in June 1818; confirming by duplicate last Year the same, & not finding myself honor’d with an answer, I suppose they must have been lost. I hope You will excuse me if I intrude for a third time to express my sentiments, that it never was my intention to offend You Sir, in forwarding the Statue of Napoleon,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai demendé a Monsieur votre fils, les Noms surnoms et qualités du Genéral Mongomery, le lieu et la Datte de sa naissance, en quel tems il a passé à Boston les grades par lesquels il a passé et les plus belles actions de sa vie, comment il à attaqué Quebec en quel lieu il à été tué, et les dattes surtouts de sa mort, et son âge et ces armes. Cela me sera...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si je netois pas indisposé, j’aurois l’honneur D’aller vous Souhaiter au renouvellement de cette année tout ce qui peut arriver de plus heureux à un homme de votre merite; privé de ce bonheur permettes moi de vous faire parvenir Les assurances de mon respect. J’apprens par Les papiers publics que malgré une guerre dispendieuse Les Etats Americains, pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vien D’aprendre par Des vois indirect que Les Etats unis de L’amerique etoient dans Lintentions de faire Elevé une Statue a La Gloire Du Roy, Si La chose est vraie, il Sauroit tres flateure pour moi D’Etres chargé de L’execution de Se monument. Je vous prie Monsieur Dans cette occasion et Dans touts autre de vouloire bien vous Resouvenire de moy et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En Lisant La Gazette Dernier j’ay vû que Les Etats Unis de Lamerique etoit dans Lintention de faire Elevé une Statue au General De Wanchinton et quel Doit se faire a Paris. Si La chose est vraie je vous prie Monsieur de vouloir bien vous Resouvenire de moy, j’ay quel que Droit pour obtenire votre chois, L’ancienté sur Les personnes qui peuve vous faire La...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vien D’aprendre par les papiés Public que Le Congrés De Philadelphie en reconnoissance des services rendu par Le feu comte Pulawski Brigadier General, a résolu qu’un monument public Seroit élevé à La memoire de cet officier et que L’execution en Seroit Confiée a un artiste francois. D’apres cet article je prens La liberté de vous Ecrie pour vous prïér de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’europe entiere a Les yeux sur L’epoque à jamais memorable de La liberté de l’amerique, votre patrie Scait apprecier L’etendue de vos Lumieres, et combien vous ave contribué a La Rendre L’egale Des Roys—peutetre S’empressera t’elle de Transmettre a La Posterité Cette Epoque qui L’immortalise, par un Monument qui en atteste La Gloire, ou Rendre a vos...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay lhonneur de vous faire remettre plusieurs Epreuve de Tombeau que vous mave demender, je profite de cette occasions pour vous offrier La Statue de Pierre Corneille qui est une fidelé copie de celle que jay executer en marbre pour Le Roy de qui a merité les applaudissement du Public, jose vous Supliér de vouloire bien L’accepter Comme un hommage que je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Unne Maladie et Le mauvais temps m’ont empeches D’avoir Lhonneur D’aller vous assurer de mes tres humbles Civivilités et de vous prier de vouloir bien vous resouvenir de moi dans Les occasions ou vous series charge de La part de La republique ameriquaine de quelque morçeau de Sculpture soit tombeaux ou Statue en marbre ou en Bronze, vous aves eû La Bonté de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai fait encaisser Le Buste de M. franklin, vous pouve Monsieur qu’ant il vous plairat faire enlevée cette Caisse dans mon atelier du Louvres, j’ai fait Durcir ce buste avec de La Cire Comme vous Le Désiries, je Compte qu’il arrivera à bon port: Permettes que M. franklin trouve icy Les assurance de mon Respect. J’ai Lhonneur d’etres tres parfaitement...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Aÿent appris votre indisposition j’ay eté pour avoir lhonneur de vous assurer de mes Civilité, j’ay appris avec Satisfaction que votre Santé alloiest beaucoup mieux, je vous en filisite. Permette de vous Reiterée mes instance et vous prier Monsieur de vouloir bien vous Resouvenir de moy Dans le Cas que le Congrés Des Etats Unis de L’amerique fit elevér quel...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie de recevoir mes complimens de l’heureux succés de l’armé Ameriquaine qui vient de remporter une victoire complette sur les anglois; je vous en félicite. Je désire que leurs conquêtes prosperent de jour en jour pour que les treize Provinces ûnie jouissent de la liberté et de la Paix qu’elles méritent à tous Egards. Je prie M. votre petit fils...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. Caffieri a l’honneur de soiter [souhaiter] le bonjoure a Monsieur franklin et Le pris de lui faire dire quel jour il voudra bien lui donné, pour La derniere séance. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin / A Passy For the famous sculptor see the Biographie universelle . He was making the monument to Gen. Montgomery that Congress had commissioned, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettes moi de vous inviter de me faire lhonneur de venir à mon atellier Du Louvres pour y voir La Statue en marbre de St Satyre destine pour etre placé Dans une Des chapelles de L’Eglise Royale Des Invalides. St. Satyre etois frere ainé de St Ambroise et Célebre orateur il Se Distingua aux Tribune de Rome ou il plaida plusieurs Causes dans L’auditoire du...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay l’honneur de vous donner avis que je vous Envoie par messieurs minet & fector de Douvres une Caisse Emballee Contenant Librairie marquee MF Libri que Jay recû de Paris d’Envoy de Mr. Pankouke. Vous voudrèz bien avoir la Complaisance de men accuser la reception, jay deboursè pour port de Paris à Calais passavants porteurs &c. 15 livres tournois, que jay...
Ya que las presentes circunstancias no me han permitido concluida la Guerra, y de regrèso à Espana visitar—esos famosos Paises, y tenèr el honor de conocèr personalmente al Fabio de estos tiempos, como lo habia premeditado; permitame V.E. lo haga per medio de esta Carta, Ofreciendome à su disposicion, y recomendandole al mismo tiempo mi Edecan el Teniénte Coronel Dn Francisco de Miranda, que...
Rouen, 9 June 1789 . Had waited hoping to hear from TJ, and assumes silence means congé not recieved. Is sorry for it: he would have enjoyed TJ’s company and Mrs. Cahierre that of the Misses Jefferson. Will set out for Baltimore latter end of month on American ship. Baltimore distant from their residence and knows no one there: will stay but a short time, but “it would be very agreable to be...
Printed invitation, signed: American Philosophical Society Le Musée de Paris ayant transporté ses Séances au local de M. Pilatre de Rozier, rue Sainte-Avoye, vis-à-vis la rue du Plâtre; vous êtes prié de vouloir bien vous y trouver aux Assemblées ordinaires des Jeudis, & nommément à celle du 11 Septembre prochain, dans laquelle on fera un appel général pour fixer le nombre des Muséens. Si vous...
Le Gouvernement de france a grand interet de Savoir Si l’emprunt que font en ce moment à Amsterdam les Etats unis de l’Amerique par votre ministere a pour objet le reboursement d’une partie des sommes qu’ils doivent à la france, et il me charge de vous demander un mot d’eclaircissement à ce Sujet. J’ose vous prier, Monsieur, le vouloir bien m’honorer d’une reponse Sur cela—et de me mettre en...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’eus l’honneur de vous écrire en 1778. Pour vous informer que L’Empéreur de Maroc, m’ayant nommé Consul de Paix pour les Puissances Maritimes Chrétiénnes qui n’avoïent point de Répresentant dans Ses Etats & Médiateur entre lui & celles de ces Puissances qui voudroïent avoir la paix avec S. M. Maroccaine, j’offrois en cette qualité mes Services aux Etats...
Cadiz, 14 April 1778. RC ( PPAmP : Franklin Papers). This letter, addressed to Franklin, Deane, and Lee, was docketed by JA : “Memoire Mr. Daudibert Caille. to be sent to the Emperor of Morocco.” D’Audibert Caille proposed that he be authorized to conclude an agreement with the Emperor of Morocco “aux mêmes conditions que plusieurs autres Puissances l’ont faitte avec ce Souverain” to protect...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En qualité de Negociant Français qui a maison de commerce à Salé, et qui souhaite l’occasion de pouvoir donner des preuves de son zéle pour le service des Etats unis de l’Amerique Septentrionale, j’ai l’honneur de vous informer, que le Sieur William Hodge de Philadelphie et le Sieur Guillaud habitant de Charlestown dans la Caroline, m’aiant témoigné que les...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Pere Caillot assure Monsieur franklin de Son Respect et de sa Reconnoissance; il ne peut pas Lui promettre D’aller le voir diner vendredy prochain a cause de versailles, Si caillot est libre il aura le plaisir de jouir du bon appeti de monsieur franklin. La petite Mere et son Enfant lui disent mille choses; toutes deux se portent a merveille. Addressed: A...
Being obliged to trouble you on the present occasion, you will please excuse the liberty I take. A bounty existing in this country on wheat imported from America, by producing a Clearance sign’d by the naval Officer of the Port; entitles the proprietor to said bounty, on producing said document to prove its being the produce of the United States. Having the command of the Ship Marquis de la...
LS and copy: American Philosophical Society; copies: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères, Archives départementales d’Ille-et-Vilaine We take The Liberty To address your Excellency on a Subject extremely interesting to us & many other persons concern’d in The Trade between This kingdom & The united states of america, The extention or diminution of which we will venture To Say depends...
Letter not found: from Clement Caines, 24 Oct. 1795 . On 16 Nov., Timothy Pickering wrote to Caines: “The President of the United States sent me on the 13th instant your letter to him dated the 24th ulto.” In that letter, Caines apparently sought compensation for property seized by the privateer Sans Culotte Laveaux ( DNA : RG 59, Domestic Letters).
2 April 1811, St. Kitts. Declares that JM’s name has reached the West Indies and “is celebrated throughout the World.” Conveys his “respect and high esteem” and encloses his “literary compositions.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Enclosures not found. Clement Caines was a prominent St. Kitts planter and opponent of the slave trade. His publications included pamphlets on the history and agriculture of the...
The name of Thomas Jefferson has reached the West Indies and is celebrated throughout the World. It has excited sentiments of respect and high esteem in the breast of the person, who takes the liberty of addressing to you this letter. He wishes to express what he feels; but his means inadequately keep pace with his emotions. Such a tribute as is in his power he however tenders you. It consists...
I have to solicit permission to dedicate to You, the work, the proposals for which I take the liberty to transmit. It is intended to be of general utility to the people over whom You preside, & I know not, Sir, to what patronage it can be so properly directed, as to that of the Man who has so long, and so truly had at heart the interests of his Country. Suffer me then, Sir, to ask for the Lex...
A la societé philosophique Americaine, pour les progrès des connaissances utiles. L’institution de vôtre Célébre societé est se digne déloges, qu’elle doit nécessairement commander l’admiration des Européens sur le grand objet de ses vues. J’aurais sans doute ambitionné de pouvoir aller m’inistruire dans le sein même de la Societé que vous présidés, et j’en concus un desir plus grand, à...
21 July 1795. The “sentiments” given in this letter do not reflect “merely the emanations of a solitary individual” but those of thousands of Americans who have urged GW to withhold his approval of the treaty with Great Britain or to direct negotiations that will change it. His address proceeds to highlight selected objections to the treaty. “The first class” of objections concern “Omissions”...
N’étant qu’un Simple individu, et N’ayant pas encore l’honneur d’être Citoyen des Etats unis; je ne prendrais pas la liberté d’adresser une Lettre à Votre Excellence Si je N’espérais que L’importance du Sujet que j’ai à traiter Me Servira d’Excuse. J’ai trouvé L’Art de Naviguer dans les Airs. je suis français, et je devais l’hommage de Mon importante découverte à Ma patrie. j’ai rempli Ce...
I Cannot Express to you how humiliating it is to a Man who thinks that his sentiments is of the purest kind to be the sport of evil minded Men: who I am informed have said many things to my prejudice to your Excellency, for to convince you of the purity of my intentions and to give you a just Idea of my views in Coming to this Country I here inclose you the Copies of letters which I have wrote...
Tho’ it is easy to see your Excellancy by the kind Reception with whom you entertain every bodeis, I have with a great deal of Repugnancy, imposed a Law to my self; in discontinuing to go and presente to you my humble duty; in the first place by the Reason of the difficulty that I have to make me understood, and secodly in the apprehension to trouble you from your great busines. in the mean...
Printed document, signed, with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society <Padua, December 20, 1781, in Italian: Zeal in promoting the increase of useful knowledge naturally unites in a general society all those who consecrate their talents to such a noble cause, and the act of electing them into a learned organization is an acknowledgment of the original titles of their relationship. The...
We have to acknowledge the reciept of your favor of the 12th. Inst. covering a check on the Bank of the U States value 47 25/100 $ which is to the credit of your Acct. in full— We have a few pairs of Lamps constructed on the principal you describe, though not exactly as to the pedestal, which supports the Lamp—this form of Lamp is very little used in this City and the demand for them so small...