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Results 2701-2750 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
As you shewed your Desire for my Welfare by your kind Recommendation to Capt. Cunningham; I think...
You’ll perceive your name in the list of those who ’tis hoped will encourage the enclosed...
Invoice of Sundry Goods Shipd by Richd Washington on board the Peggy and Elizabeth, Jno. Whiting...
Extract: The Royal Society Here is a visible Aurora Borealis; at 7 a Clock it was about two hours...
Necessity (and that I hope will apologize for the trouble I must give you—) obliges me to ask the...
Yr Letter of the 5th I duly recd & I am much surpriz’d at what You write that the Indn Affairs...
I received yr kind Letter of the 18th September about a Week ago, the Sight of which caused at...
I have lingerd under an Indisposition for more than three Months; and finding no relief above, on...
I recd Your Letter by Jenkins last Night—The violent Complaint Colo: Washington labors under...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My two last to you by Capt. Budden to London, and...
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 20 Nov. 1757. On 24 Nov. 1757 Stewart wrote to GW : “. . ....
ALS (mutilated): American Philosophical Society; parts reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , 20–4....
It is much against my desire, to give you trouble in your Circumstance; but as I am informed that...
Copy and draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania On November 14 Franklin had sufficiently...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The above is a Copy of my last. I have Since...
When big with the hopes of your speedy Recovery indulging myself in the pleasing thought and...
For near Four Months past Colo. Washington has Labour’d under a Bloudy Flux which till of late he...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I find by what you told me and by my...
The dissagreeable news I recd by Jenkins, of the Increase of your disorder, is real concern to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society If convenient, I should be oblig’d to you for three or four...
A Return of the 8 Compys of the Virga Regimt on the Frontiers of that Colony Decemr 1st 1757...
Inclosed is an Account of Monthly Disbursts from January 1st to June 1st made by me & settled...
I arrived here the 25th of last month since which there has not been an Opportunity to America,...
MS not found; abstract: Minute-Book of the Academy Trustees, Trustees of the University of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have yours of June 23. July 4. and 31. Sept. 14. and 30....
ALS : Harvard College Library (Sparks) No Doubt you must be much surpriz’d at so many Vessels...
Draft: Library of Congress; also copy: Yale University Library; and French translation: The...
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , 25–7. I will not write to you, for the future,...
ALS : The Royal Society The following is what I can at present recollect, relating to the Effects...
I . MS translation and MS Latin original: The Royal Society. II . MS “Note”: The Royal Society...
Your favour of the 28th September came to hand the 20th Instt. My Goods, that is such part as you...
I have been under concern for sometime past at your long Silence; and have been put to many...
I send you inclod Joseph West Deed to Darrell, also the Cources of Matthew Thomsons Patten. The...
Since writing the forgoing Letter I find myself in want of the following Articles, besides those...
2735Memorandum, 1758–1759 (Washington Papers)
A List of Lands given unto the Clerk of Fairfax County—in the year 1758 to be Taxed. Acres In...
2736[1758] (Adams Papers)
In 1758 my Period with Mr. Putnam expired. Doolittle and Baldwin visited me in the office, and...
Nunquam prospere succedunt Res humanae, ubi negliguntur divinae. Sex horas somno, totidem des...
2738Poor Richard Improved, 1758 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanack and Ephemeris … for the Year of our Lord 1758: … By...
Printed in James Ferguson, Select Mechanical Exercises: Shewing how to construct different...
ALS (fragments): American Philosophical Society good Order. I receiv’d also his Letter relating...
I wrote to you on the 26th and 30th Ultimo and Addressd Copies since which I have receivd my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send you herewith the Extract of Mr. Sturgeon’s Letter,...
The Bearer (my Cousin French Mason) waits on You with an Acct I recd from Capt. Trent, amounting...
I have not leizure at this time, to enquire into the Right Mr Darrell pretends to have of...
I am very Clearly of Opinion that by whatsoever Deeds you purchase by you will be Intituled to...
Capt. McKenzie handed me yr Letter, which inclosed sundry Papers relating to yr Dispute with Mr...
MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My last to you was by the Mercury, Capt....
I wrote you a Letter of the 26th Ultimo; since which I have had an oppertunity of seeing the...
Extract: The Royal Society I thank you for your Account of the Aurora. A very considerable one...