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Results 27001-27050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in JM’s hand. Cover missing. Docketed by Randolph, “J....
27002[Diary entry: 16 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
16. Went to Dumfries to review the Independant Company there. Dind & lodged with Mr. Leitch....
Count Wengiersky, a Polish Gentleman travelling the Continent for his amusement, will have the...
27004[Diary entry: 13 January 1771] (Washington Papers)
13. Mrs. Washington Patcy Custis & myself Dined and lodged at Belvoir.
My solicitude to see your strictures upon Mr. Pickering’s Letter was satisfied by the last mail....
I duly received your letter of the 6th of September; and have sent an extract of it to Mr Church...
Hoping that a post note on Norfolk will be cash in Richmond, I enclose one for $300, instead of...
Philadelphia, 27 July 1779 . Detailed account of Wayne’s capture of Stony Point on the Hudson, 15...
AL : American Philosophical Society Lord Morton’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin, desires the favor...
27010[Diary entry: 8 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
8. Clear and cool threatning bad weather but none fell. Wind North.
West Point, July 29, 1779. Reports that the news of the embarkation of the British was false....
Your letter of the 17th inst: was received yesterday. With you, I sincerely regret the death of...
I inclose you an application for pardon from a person of the name of John Southack , who says he...
27014[Diary entry: 2 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
2. Sunday.
Copy: New York Public Library; also copies: Public Record Office, American Philosophical Society,...
27016General Orders, 1 November 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Day tomorrow Major General St Clair Lieutenant Colonel Adams Major Reid Brigade Major...
Your Letters of the 13th and 23d of April last are all that have come to hand since mine of the...
The books from Liverpool after which your letter of the 16 th enquiries, on behalf of the...
I now lay before you a General Account rendered by the Bankers of the United States at Amsterdam...
For Commissioners of Bankruptcy in the City of New York Mercantile Characters John...
I have the pleasure to inclose for communication to the society observations made on a lunar...
Perceiving by the detail of Public Affairs that a Bridge is contemplated by the Government,...
Pursuant to Doctor Franklin’s Approbation I have Settled your Account in the only way you could...
Note of Expences attending Two cases china recd. from Nantes pr Ship Richard Cap Rogers for a/ c...
It has so happened that your card of Septr 1st, with the Bust which accompanied it, did not get...
I Tack This oppertunity to Let you know how I have proseded In your bisness on the ohio First I...
When Doctor Dickson our Representative was on his return from Congress he gave me reason to...
The Bearer of this Mr: Israel Hatch of this town has discovered, as he thinks, a new method to...
This Letter I presume will be delivered into your own Hand by the General. He proposes to set...
2703027. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Judge Greenleaf’s. Foster came home.
I am indebted to you, for two very kind Letters The first, was written after my Grandaughter miss...
We are still without any letters from Monticello since our departure. I received one yesterday...
I now inclose you a warrant for 10,000 D. the post coming twice a week will enable you to apply...
27034Memo re Indian Treaties, 8 July 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
The H. of R. refused approprn’s for the Convention with the Cherokees made at Washn. the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have written to you lately by Packet, by Mr. Ayres, and by...
I received yesterday your favor of the 2d. I have considered the petition of Warrall and return...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1752–1753 (Philadelphia,...
27038[Diary entry: 13 June 1775] (Washington Papers)
13th. Clear but somewhat Cool.
It is sometime past since I did myself the honour of addressing you in favor of Mr. Harry Toulmin...
§ From Benjamin W. Crowninshield. 4 April 1815, Navy Department. “Permit me to request that you...
Altho’ it be the fate of persons high in power to be exposed to the importunity of the many, and...
At a very Numerous Meeting of the Substantial Planters, Farmers & other Yeomanry of the County of...
I offer you my sincere condolances on the melancholy loss which has detained you at home: and am...
Molasses Massts. has 60 distilleries. (Sheffd. p. 108) In 1769.—3,580,144. galls. of French &...
As I thought you might probably Misunderstand one Cartain C Sentence in the other letter that I...
I have the honor to return you your excellent little tract on the Anglo Saxon language and mode...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D.,...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Maddison jr Esqr Philadelphia.”...
My last letter to you was written & forwarded on the 1 st of April, it has been delayed by the...
I do myself the pleasure of sending you herewith a small packet of Oats raised by myself; it is...