Results 27001-27010 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
New York, December 1, 1783. Writes as the legal representative of “Mrs. Chamier, widow and Administratrix of Daniel Chamier deceased.” Asks that George Birks, who owed money to Daniel Chamier, be “apprehended” and compelled to appear in court. ADS , Chicago Historical Society. This memorial was sent to the governor because of the absence of proper officers of government in New York City which...
Being concerned as Council for a number of persons, who, since the annunciation of the provisional treaty have been indicted under the confiscation laws of this state for the part they are supposed to have taken in the late war, we are induced at the desire of our clients and in their behalf, to apply to Congress through your Excellency for an exemplification of the definitive treaty. We take...
[ New York, December 11, 1783. On December 18, 1783 , Chaloner wrote to Hamilton: “I have consulted the president of the Bank respectg the information you required in your Letter of the 11th. Instant.” Letter not found. ]
[ New York, December 12, 1783. On February 7, 1784 , Church wrote to Hamilton: “I received a few Days since my Dear Sir your Favor of the 12th Decemr.” Letter not found. ]
Yesterday I received the letter you did me the honor to write to me on the 10th: instant, and laid it before Congress; but as seven States only have met, the Subject of it cannot be taken up so soon as its Importance requires. I will transmit to you an authenticated copy of the Ratification of the definitive Treaty the moment that Congress shall put it into my power. I am with much Respect &...
I have consulted the president of the Bank respectg the information you required in your Letter of the 11th. Instant. He informs me that you must send a regular Power of attorney reciteing the power left by John Carter, that it must be attested by one of the chief Magistrates of your City authourizing whom you please to receive the dividend & vote for Mr Carter’s Shares. I wrote you some time...
I Observe in Mr. Holt’s paper of this day, a nomination for the ensuing election, in which my name is included. I thank the authors of it for the honour they intended me; but being determined to decline public office, I think it proper to declare my determination, to avoid in any degree distracting the votes of my fellow citizens. The New-York Packet. And the American Advertiser , December 29,...
I arrived My Dear Betsey at this place yesterday Evening not so much fatigued as I expected to have been but with my Cold somewhat increased. I am however better to day and hope to finish my business so as to return on Thursday. If a Vessel offers at the time and a fair wind I may take that mode of conveyance. I hope you have been attentive to your medicine. Remember Mrs. Powel on the...
[ New York, 1783 .] Requests that Hamilton serve as attorney in a suit brought against Swartwout by John Thurman for nonpayment of debt. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Swartwout was a member of the New York Assembly from Dutchess County in 1777 and 1778 and from 1780 to 1783.
While not only every personal artifice is employed by a few heated and inconsiderate spirits, to practise upon the passions of the people, but the public papers are made the channel of the most inflammatory and pernicious doctrines, tending to the subversion of all private security and genuine liberty; it would be culpable in those who understand and value the true interests of the community...