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Results 27001-27050 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
My letter of the 27th. will have informed you of the reasons of my long silence. The present is to acknolege the receipt of your favors of the 22d. and 24th. with the packet from America accompanying them. It’s date was of the month of March, so that it conveys me nothing new. Mr. Necker’s arrival here will contribute to the reestablishment of tranquillity. The National assembly proceeds with...
I have duly received your favor of the 5th. inst. inclosing that for Mr. Jay. The packet was gone, as I presume: but I have another occasion of forwarding it securely. Your attentions to the Leyden gazette are in my opinion very useful. The paper is much read and respected. It is the only one I know in Europe which merits respect . Your publications in it will tend to reestablish that credit...
I have received your very friendly letter of the 12th. instant. My journey to Amsterdam is among possible events only, and scarcely probable. Should I take it, one of it’s gratifications will be the pleasure of seeing you at the Hague, and you only, because my business being at Amsterdam with private individuals only, I should mean to slide on without being seen or known to any but those with...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your favors of Sep. 20. Nov. 13. and Jan. 9. I shall hope your continuance to send us the Leyden gazette as usual, but all the other gazettes which you have hitherto usually sent, may be discontinued. The scene in Europe is becoming very interesting. Amidst the confusions of a general war which seem to be threatening that quarter of the globe, we hope to be...
I received yesterday your favour of Sep. 28. and shall take care that your bill be honoured. I propose to write to the Commissioners of the Treasury to direct in what manner the salaries of the public servants and other money demands shall be paid. Dr. Franklin had of course a general direction of the funds here. Circumstances rendered this necessary. These have now changed, insomuch that it...
The departure of a packet boat from Havre for New York occasioning me always a great deal of previous writing, I have not been able sooner to acknowlege the receipt of your Note of June 8. on Warneck’s succession, letter of June 30. Extract of letter of July 9. to Mr. Adams, and letters of July 10. and 12. to myself. Your last dispatches to Mr. Jay go by the Packet-boat which sails tomorrow....
I am honored with your letter of the 12th. of Septr. and condole with you very sincerely on the domestic loss you have sustained. The affairs of your Republic seem at present under a cloud which threatens great events. If the powers of the Stadtholder should be thereby reduced to such only as are salutary and the happiness of the people placed on a basis more within the command of their own...
A dislocation of my right wrist has for upwards of three months prevented me the honour of writing to you. I begin to use it a little for the pen, but it is with great pain. To this cause alone I hope you will ascribe that I have to acknolege at one time the receipt of so many of your letters. Their dates are Sep. 12. 26. Oct. 6. 17. 19. 23. Nov. 3. 17. Dec. 1. and there is one without a date...
I am honored with your favor of the 10th. inst. and am sorry it is not in my power to answer any one of the questions proposed in the papers inclosed to me. They relate altogether to the lands and culture of South Carolina, which are so totally different from those of Virginia that I am unable to give any information on the subject. The staples of S. Carolina are rice and indigo; those of...
I arrived at this place three days ago, and avail myself of the first possible moment of acknowleging the receipt of your favors of the 5th. and 7th. of June. The letters they accompanied for Mr. Jay shall be sent by the packet which sails the 25th. instant, and by a passenger. My letters from America are none later than the 24th. of April. The disturbances in the Eastern states were entirely...
Your letter of Nov. 27. shewing that mine of Nov. 14. had not then got to hand, had given me alarm for it’s fate, and I had sat down to write you a second acknolegement of the receipt of your two favors of Octob. 23. and 26. and to add the receipt also of those of Nov. 14. 22. and 27. A copy of my answer of Nov. 14. was prepared to be inclosed to you, but in that moment came your favors of...
I had the honour of writing to you yesterday, and after sending my letter to the post-office, received a notification that the distribution of the gazette of Leyden here was prohibited. The purpose of the present therefore is merely to ask the favor of you to make interest with your friend Luzac to send me the paper by post during the interval of it’s prohibition. If put under a common letter...
I have been ever since the month of March in daily expectation of receiving permission to return to America. Your letters therefore of Mar. 24. Apr. 3. 29. and June 19. have remained unacknoleged, because I expected to acknolege them in my letter of Adieu. The same expectation has prevented my friends in America from writing to me. So that, uninformed myself of American transactions, I have...
[ Paris, 20 Nov. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Dumas. Inclosed letters to Senf, Hogendorp and publication for Leyd. gaz.” Letter not found; the enclosed letters are to Senf, 5 Nov. 1784 and to Hogendorp, 20 Nov. 1784; for the enclosed “publication for Leyd. gaz.,” see TJ’s statement of the misrepresentation of affairs in America, following, and explanatory note for what may be a paragraph from...
My last to you was of Aug. 30. Since that I have received your Nos. 84. 85. 86. 87. and one of Sep. 17. without a No. Congress having closed their session on the 8th. Ult. I now forward you a copy of the laws passed thereat.—Mr. Pinkney is now here on his way to London as our Min. Plenipotentiary there. You will therefore, in cases of need, correspond with him of course. I will ask the favor...
I arrived at this Place the latter end of March, and undertook the Office, to which the President had been pleased to appoint me, of Secretary of State, which comprehends that of the foreign Affairs. Before I had got through the most pressing Matters which had been accumulating, a long Illness came upon me, and put it out of my Power for many Weeks to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letters. I...
I have been duly honoured with the receipt of your separate letters of Aug. 23. and should sooner have returned an answer, but that as you had written also to Mr. Adams I thought it possible I might receive his sentiments on the subject in time for the post. Not thinking it proper to lose the occasion of the post, I have concluded to communicate to you my separate sentiments, which you will of...
Having at length received my leave of absence, I have sent off my baggage, and shall follow it myself within a week or ten days. I am as yet incertain whether I shall sail from Havre or Lorient. My last information from America is of the 25th. of July. Our new government was then going on with great harmony, and all opposition to it expired, except in the state of Rhode island. I do not know...
This will be delivered you by the two Mr. Morrises, and Mr. Basseville; the former are sons of our late financier which will be a sufficient voucher to you of their condition and that they are objects of just respect and attention. The latter is their tutor, a gentleman of letters, of reputation and of merit. I take the liberty of introducing them to your notice, and of asking your attentions...
I am honoured with your favor of the 5th. instant and will forward the letter to Mr. Jay by the packet boat which sails the 25th. of this month. I am sorry for the situation in which Mr. Grand’s refusal to make further advances has placed you. I know it’s pain, because I participate of it. The aspect of your public affairs has also been discouraging. Perhaps the war kindled between Russia and...
I have duly received your favors of the 10th. and 23d. of Octob. and sincerely sympathize with you on your sufferings, without being able to relieve them. Nor can I even conjecture what Congress will decide as to the Brussels proposition. I should be puzzled myself to suggest any thing better at this moment. You have doubtless heard that N. Carolina has thought it best to propose amendments to...
My last to you was dated Dec. 25. since which I have been honoured with your several favors of Dec. 29. Jan. 5. 9. and 23. I thought that your affairs could not be more interesting than they have been for a considerable time. Yet in the present moment they are become more so by the apparent withdrawing of so considerable a personage in the drama as the K. of P. To increase this interest...
I have not written you Since you inclosed me a Letter for M r Gardoqui from the Comte de Sanefe. I pray you to present that Nobleman with my Sincere Respects and let him know that I Sent his Letters with my first Dispatches. My Son arrived, at New York after a Passage of fifty five days, and was received by his Countrymen with great joy Cordiality. I have no Letters or News from him after he...
I had a tedious Passage of two Days from Helvoet and was at last obliged to Land at Leostoff a dozen Leagues from Harwich, and ride from thence twenty four miles in a Cart before I could find a Post Chaise; but on Saturday noon, I had the Satisfaction of meeting my friends in perfect Health at the Adelphi Buildings in London, I never set my Foot in any other House, till next Morning at ten,...
The News that M r. Brantzen wrote to our Friends before I left the Hague was true The King of Great Britain under the Great Seal of his Kingdom has by Patent constituted Richard Oswal Esq r. his Minister Plenipo y. to treat with the Ministers of the United States of America. Who would have thought that G. B. would be the 3 d. Power in Europe to acknowledge the Independence of America— You may...
The Letter for Philadelphia, inclosed in your’s of the 18 th , I have caused to be inclosed to M r. Morris, unsealed as it is, desiring his Attention to its Contents— But I should think M r. Van Berckel had better see for himself first— As he goes in a Frigate, he may carry every thing he wants, and perhaps he may please himself better at home than in America, in the Articles of Furniture & ca...
I have received your favour of the 26. Oct r: with the seven Questions inclosed. I have answered these Questions to the best of my Judgment, believing it to be my Duty to give to my enquiring Countrymen, all the satisfaction in my Power upon such occasions. I should wish too to gratify the Dutch merchants, and all others as far as I can in Character. But we must above all Things have the...
I have been So taken up with Royal Societies and Royal Accademies, with British Musæums and Sir Ashton Levers Musæum with Wedgwoods Manufactory of Earthen Ware and Parkers of Glass, &c that I have not had time to write you a Line. You Observe I say nothing of Politicks for although I have been introduced to the great Politicians at their Desire I have not found them Sufficiently well disposed...
Last Night I received your favour of the 28 th Nov r: and hope in future to hear often from you, although I dont expect to be informed of the Politicks of the Country, so particularly as heretofore, yet you may write freely under the Same Cover. I should be glad, however to know, truly what has happened upon the Frontiers; I hope the Comte de Linden will be appointed notwithstanding the...
The Capture of one or two of our Vessells by the Barbary Rovers, obliges Us to think Seriously of treating with the Port, Morocco, Algiers Tunis Tripoli, and the rest. But We wish to be informed as nearly as We can, how much the Expences of every Kind will amount to. let me beg the Favour of you then, to apply to M r Bisdom and M r Vanderhope and inquire of those Gentlemen, what Presents they...
Among other Letters w h . I have had the pleasure of rec g . from you, there is one of the 27 th Aug t . Aug last, in which at the Request of the Chargé des affaires of the Court palatine and of Bavaria, you inclosed a Memorial & Contract to be conveyed to Congress, & thro’ them to the Governm t . of Pennsylvania, in order to obtain Justice for a palatine Subject from a Person settled at...
Last night I received your Favour of the 23 d. of May.— I regret extreamly that I must loose the opportunity of the Company of M r Vanberckel to America: but there is no appearance, that the definitive Treaty will be Signed in Time to allow me that Satisfaction and Advantage. The Treaty with Sweeden is now printing with a Collection of the Constitutions and Treaties, which is making under the...
In Answer to your Favour of 25. Ult. I can only say that I have no Information of the United States having acceeded to the armed Neutrality, on the Contrary I have Reasons to doubt it. My Son, I hope behaves to your Satisfaction and that of Madame Dumas, follows his Studies with Ardour and writes to me, every Post, takes a Walk in the Wood every day &c. Does he Speak the German? has he lost...
I have received your Favour of the 10 th. as well as the two former, with their Inclosures. The first I Sent by M r Tracy a Sure hand, by the Way of London, and the two Latter, I shall Send the Same Way by another private Hand, so that all three will go safe and as soon or sooner than by the Way of L’orient The two Abbys who continue their freindly and brotherly Course of Life, very often...
It has ever been my intention to come in Person to the Hague, and take Leave of their High Mightinesses, with all the Respect in my Power, before my departure for America. it is still my design. If it is the usage of their High Mightinesses, as you Say it is, to make a Present of a Chain upon the occasion, it will be very agreable to me to accept it, and in the Language of my Countrymen I hope...
Your favour of 13. is received, and I thank you, for the Trouble you have taken concerning my son, and I beg you to present my most hearty Thanks to the Duke de la Vauguion for the Compassion he had for me in my affliction and for the Trouble he has taken, in writing to the Minister of France at Hambourg, and to M r D’Asp for writing to Stockholm Elsineur and Copenhagen.— I have within a few...
In answer to the questions in your’s of 18 th , I beg leave to inform you, that in my opinion M r. Dana is the only proper person in Europe to treat with anybody in Europe about the Armed Neutrality and the Liberty of Navigation— It is true, our former Power is not expressly revoked, but I consider M r. Dana’s Commissions in form to be an implicit and tacit Revocation of ours—so that I dare...
It is Sometime Since I had a Line from you or my Son. I hope all is well. I can give you no News. There is a Species of Witchcraft governs in England which keeps them from knowing their own Minds.— and a similar malignant Spirit reigns in America and prevents Us from getting any Intelligence from thence.— I sometimes feel Wroth enough, to wish for the Revival of an old Spirit to hang these...
I am honoured with yours of the 7. and 8 of June. I have been introduced here, to Sir James Harris, who Seems to be a Sensible and agreable Man. I Should think it most adviseable, for you and for myself if I were at the Hague, to behave Towards him as the Minister of a Sovereign in Amity with the United States, not discovering any Aversion or Jealousy, on one side more than common, nor more...
In Answer to the Inquiry of M r Fagel you will please to inform him that the Letters of Credence of M r Van Berckell should be addressed “To the United States of America in Congress assembled” “Friends and Allies.” The King of France indeed has added the Word “great.” “great Friends and Allies.”— But I think it would be much better to leave out the Word great and all other Epithets.— Congress...
I am honoured with your’s of the 11 th. You will please to accept of my thanks for the kind Care you have taken of my Son, who is I hope before this with you, and to repeat my humble thanks to the Duke for his goodness upon this Occasion. My Younker ought to think himself highly honoured; by the Notice that has been taken of him by so many respectable Personages. M r. D’Asps Letter I will send...
I have yet to acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of the 26. 27. 30. & 31 of Dec r. and 2 of January. Your Dispatches are sent along as you desire.— I hope you are, quite recovered from your Indisposition. I can give you no Information concerning Peace. it is given out that the point will be decided here to day or Tomorrow: others Say that the Duke de la Vauguion is to make the Peace at...
I thank you for yours of the 9 th. We remain here in the Same State of Indecision, which We have been in these Three Months, uninformed of every Thing in America uncertain of the System in England and unable to See one day before Us. My Situation is as pleasant as it has been for a long Course of Years Sure that whatever may be well done will be ascribed to other People, and that whatever...
last night on my return from Versailles and the Sight of the gallant young Duke of Normandy. I found your Favour of the eighteenth with its Enclosures which I delivered as soon as I had read it to our Secretary M r Humphreys as I propose to do all of your future letters to be by him transmitted regularly every Month, with our Dispatches to Congress, who are now Sitting at New york with his...
I have rec d. your favor of 30. ult o. — I am very apprehensive that the Gentleman you conversed with concerning the Loan is decieved, as his worthy Brother was on a former occasion, by whose Advice chiefly I was led to open the Loan with those three Houses. He was then of opinion, that even ten Millions might be obtained; whereas the three Houses have not been able to obtain in a year, so...
returning this Evening from Versailles, where I had been to make the Compliments of the Season, I found your favours of 26 and 27. of Dec r. The Letters inclosed Shall be forwarded as you desire. The Dutch Ministers here have no Occasion for my Assistance. Non tali Auxilio &c— I have the Honour to be more particularly acquainted with M r Brantzen, who is certainly a very able Man, and...
Upon receiving the letter you did me the honor to write me on the 24 th. late last evening, I went immediately to consult with my Colleague, M r: Jay—and we agreed to go this morning to D r: Franklin. Accordingly we went today to Passy & communicated your letter to him & after recollecting the Powers we have received, we all agreed that I should make you the following answer— You will readily...
D r: Franklin I suppose has written to London & consented to exchange Sir J. Jay, for L t: Coll o: Dundas— He rec d. a letter fm. the late Advocate of Scotland, proposing such an Exchange—which he communicated to his Colleagues & we advised him to agree to it— M r: Brantzen is greatly & justly respected here, and is as friendly & communicative to me as I desire— You have known a little of my...
I received Yesterday your favour of the 3 d . The Letters you Sent me from America I have received. one Packet contained old News Papers, the other the Ratification of my last Loan. I have received the orders of Congress to go to London according to the Article you read in an English News Paper which appears to have been copied, from a Gazette of New York. I have received too a Commission and...
The Preliminary Articles are only to take place, when France & G. Britain shall have agreed: but as they are not yet published by the British Ministry, it is not proper that We should publish them as yet— Your Dispatch to M r Livingston, which I rec d. Yesterday, I gave to M r. Franklin who sends it off to day. I don’t know what to say about M r. Van Arp’s Passport—it is not necessary, if the...