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Results 27001-27010 of 184,431 sorted by author
We arrived here about 1 o’Clock—the advanced party about ten —I have sent Horse-men to reconnoitre & from every Information the Enemy left Allen Town about 8 o’Clock this Morng—If I had been happy enough to have cross’d at Dunks’s Ferry we should have compleatly destroyed the Army in this Quarter—I am informed that the Hessians went off in the utmost confusion—I am sorry some of the Troops...
When I consider the Strength & Situation of the Enemy at Philadelphia (from the Representation made by your Excellency) I cannot think that any Enterprize can be undertaken with the least prospect of Success—The distance this Army is from the City puts it out of our power to effect a Surprize—they would certainly have notice of our approach—the Troops they have in the City are, no doubt,...
As the Enemy have made very considerable Detachments from their main Body to New Jersey under the Command of Lord Cornwallis; and a considerable number of men being necessary to defend the several Posts on the Islands which are at least 7 miles from the Lines it may be very proper to consider whether a successfull attack cannot be made on the City. The following plan of an attack is offered...
I hope you will do me the Justice to beleive that nothing has occasioned so long a silence but a desire of saving you the trouble of reading Letters which do not relate to Business. We had information, in Maryland, six or eight weeks ago, that the whole french fleet & army were arrived at Rhode Island—I immediatly set off with my family for Philada; where I was informed that only one division...
As General Reed’s Remarks on a late publication relating to a Conversation I had with him at Bristol in the year 1776, require an answer; I shall be much obliged if you will endeavour to recollect whether I did not at some period of the war mention the said Conversation to you, in confidence & beg you will be particular with respect to time, place, & any other Circumstances which you may...
I was on the western Shore when your Favor by Capt: Lee reached my House; & as I was daily expected home, Gen: Dickinson did not forward it; by which means I cannot have the pleasure of seeing you so soon as I could wish. I always proposed spending the active part of the Campaign in Camp, but I did not conceive the Enemy could possibly take the Field till towards the 1st of June (owing to the...
I should have troubled you with a few Lines if any thing had occurr’d to me that might, in the least, tend to promote the Service—You receive such a multitude of Letters, that I can hardly think myself excused in taking up so much of your time as to thank you for the Civilities I received from you at Camp. I shall be happy to hear that you have passed the winter undisturbed & that you have...
I recd your Dispatches to day & have sent Capt: Alexanders Company to Philada. Mr Symes (Lt in R. H. Emigrants who now acts as Asst A. De Camp to General How) came over from Burlington this Morning with a Number of Officers & privates to be exchanged—he says that General Lee was taken by Surprize last Friday Afternoon by about 30 Light Horse. Capt: Murray one of the Prisoners, informs me that...
As Capt: Fitzhugh goes immediatly to Head Quarters, I cannot omit so good an opportunity of acknowledging the receipt of your Letter dated about three months since, & thanking you for the sentiments of esteem you so warmly express towards me. It is unnecessary to repeat the information relating to the movements of the Enemy in Virginia; as you must be acquainted with every particular in an...
We are now perfectly prepared, & would cross immediately, but the Troops lost their Rest last Night—We have determined to pass over to the Neck of Land a little above Bristol at six in the Morning, proceed to Bussel Town, the Square, & from thence to Bordenton—I imagine, if a part of your Army was to take possession of the other side of Crosswix Bridge, which is a pass easily defended, and the...