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Results 27001-27050 of 184,431 sorted by author
We arrived here about 1 o’Clock—the advanced party about ten —I have sent Horse-men to...
When I consider the Strength & Situation of the Enemy at Philadelphia (from the Representation...
As the Enemy have made very considerable Detachments from their main Body to New Jersey under the...
I hope you will do me the Justice to beleive that nothing has occasioned so long a silence but a...
As General Reed’s Remarks on a late publication relating to a Conversation I had with him at...
I was on the western Shore when your Favor by Capt: Lee reached my House; & as I was daily...
I should have troubled you with a few Lines if any thing had occurr’d to me that might, in the...
I recd your Dispatches to day & have sent Capt: Alexanders Company to Philada. Mr Symes (Lt in R....
As Capt: Fitzhugh goes immediatly to Head Quarters, I cannot omit so good an opportunity of...
We are now perfectly prepared, & would cross immediately, but the Troops lost their Rest last...
Having seen Coll Fitzgerald in Town some Weeks since, he promised to do me the Favor to forward...
A few Days since I recd your Excellency’s Letter, in Maryld, dated white Plains, inclosing one...
The Subscribers appointed on the part of Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Burke to consider whether there was...
The Bearer, Mr Nicholas Pariset, who has been naturalized in the State of New Jersey, intending...
I have just received, from an authentic Source, a piece of Information, in regard to the military...
Having been apprized that an Application was made to you in December last, to procure my...
Since the expiration of my tour of duty in the service of the U.States, much of my time has been...
I do not doubt you have been informed before this of Mr. Kuhn’s detention in the Tower of this...
I have the honor of transmitting Your Excellency the Copy of a Letter I have receiv’d from the...
I had the honor to present my respects to You Sir the 25th: of July last Year, giving you notice,...
I had the honor of presenting you my respects the 7th. November last as per Triplicate here...
I confirm my respects of the 27th. Jany. last and have the honor of transmitting a Copy herewith....
The fervency that I have, and shall ever use for the progress of Arts & sciences particularly for...
I avail myself of the favorable occasion per M r Baker now here with family, to have the honor to...
In answer to your favor dated Novr: 1st: 1817 I had the honor to present my respects in June...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai demendé a Monsieur votre fils, les Noms surnoms et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si je netois pas indisposé, j’aurois l’honneur D’aller vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vien D’aprendre par Des vois indirect que Les Etats unis...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En Lisant La Gazette Dernier j’ay vû que Les Etats Unis de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vien D’aprendre par les papiés Public que Le Congrés De...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’europe entiere a Les yeux sur L’epoque à jamais memorable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay lhonneur de vous faire remettre plusieurs Epreuve de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Unne Maladie et Le mauvais temps m’ont empeches D’avoir...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai fait encaisser Le Buste de M. franklin, vous pouve...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Aÿent appris votre indisposition j’ay eté pour avoir...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie de recevoir mes complimens de l’heureux succés...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. Caffieri a l’honneur de soiter [souhaiter] le bonjoure a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettes moi de vous inviter de me faire lhonneur de venir...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay l’honneur de vous donner avis que je vous Envoie par...
Ya que las presentes circunstancias no me han permitido concluida la Guerra, y de regrèso à...
Rouen, 9 June 1789 . Had waited hoping to hear from TJ, and assumes silence means congé not...
Printed invitation, signed: American Philosophical Society Le Musée de Paris ayant transporté ses...
Le Gouvernement de france a grand interet de Savoir Si l’emprunt que font en ce moment à...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’eus l’honneur de vous écrire en 1778. Pour vous informer...
Cadiz, 14 April 1778. RC ( PPAmP : Franklin Papers). This letter, addressed to Franklin, Deane,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En qualité de Negociant Français qui a maison de commerce à...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Pere Caillot assure Monsieur franklin de Son Respect et de...
Being obliged to trouble you on the present occasion, you will please excuse the liberty I take....
LS and copy: American Philosophical Society; copies: Archives du Ministère des affaires...
Letter not found: from Clement Caines, 24 Oct. 1795 . On 16 Nov., Timothy Pickering wrote to...