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Results 27001-27030 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have just recieved a letter from mr Short authorising me to sell his lands in our neighborhood,...
M r Rives gives me reason to hope you meditate a visit to us in a few days, and he thought it...
I have been intending for some days to visit Monticello , & have been prevented from doing so by...
I beg you will accept of another Letter of Your old & humble servant (Anthony Gerna formerly a...
The want of having a Consul in this Port of Civitavecchia who possessing the Language of the...
I recieved yesterday yours of the 6 th informing me of the sale of part of my flour at my lowest...
9 June 1811, Copenhagen. Reports arrival on 30 May of Erving who gave him JM’s letter of 28 Jan....
I Sit down to write to my dear daughter, almost without a hope, or wish that She Should receive...
On the 6 th Ins t I gave M r Griffin a Dft on our Friends , Gibson & Jefferson pay e the 4 July
Mess rs Shoemakers in Account with Th: Jefferson on a contract for offal I was, by agreement, to...
Mess rs Shoemaker in Account with Th: Jefferson D r Cr 1811. Jan. 15. To balance by settlement of...
I return the letter from you to D. on the subject of Mr. G. He seems to be incorrigible. If I am...
When the just measures of Government meet with so much opposition as they do at present, it...
7 June 1811. Lists charges to JM for John Payne Todd between 11 Dec. 1810 and 7 June 1811,...
I return the letter from you to D. on the subject of M r G. he seems to be incorrigible. If I am...
6 June 1811, Philadelphia. “I find that Mr. Carrington is returned from Canton & as he may not...
6 June 1811, Darien, Georgia. Gives an account of his life and his efforts to study and become a...
6 June 1811, Buenos Aires. The signatories state that their government, desiring to secure the...
We have since my last received 152 bbls of your flour, which we have been compelled to sell at...
M r Dortic mentioned in your favor of the 23 d ult o was furnishd with a passport, and a packet...
G Granger presents his compliments to the President—returns Mr. Barbour’s letter, and informs the...
I take the Liberty of Writing to you to Informe you that I Was Prest on board of this Brig the 2...
I Now take the Liberty of wrighting to you to Informe you that I Was Put onboard of this Brig...
Our cultivation of Benni has not yet had entire success. the 1 st year we sowed late & the frost...
I trouble you at this time hearing that my Brother Moses Black of Quincy near Bosten is Dead. And...
W. Rives offers his most respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson, & informs him that he is at...
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 25. ulto. in which you are so good as to...
I have recd. fellow Citizens your address, approving my Objection to the Bill contain[in]g a...
I received on the 29th: of last Month, together with some other despatches from the Secretary of...
I hope, Sir, the occasion of my addressing you personally will be received, as a sufficient...