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Results 26951-26960 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Committee to whom you were referred the letters & papers communicated to Congress by the Executive council of Pensylvania, through their delegates report. That they had a conference yesterday as directed with the Supreme Executive Council, in which in the first instance the propriety of calling out a detachment of Militia to intercept the mutineers on their march from Lancaster was...
Resolved that the President and Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania be informed that the authority of the United States having been this day grossly insulted by the disorderly and menacing appearance of a body of armed soldiers about the place within which Congress were assembled, and the peace of this City being endangered by the mutinous disposition of the said troops now in the...
We have the honor to inclose for Your Excellency and the Council a copy of the resolutions communicated in our conference yesterday. Having then fully entered into all the explanations which were necessary on the subject, we shall not trouble your Excellency with a recapitulation. But as the object is of a delicate and important nature, we think it our duty to request the determination of the...
The Committee appointed to confer with the Supreme Executive Council of Pensylvania on the practicability of taking effectual measures to support the public authority, in consequence of the disorderly and menacing appearance of a body of armed soldiers surrounding the place where Congress were assembled on Saturday the 21st instant beg leave to report: That they had a conference the morning...
It is proper I should inform Your Excellency that Congress have lately removed to this place. I cannot enter into a detail of the causes; but I imagine they will shortly be published for the information of the United States. You will have heared of a mutiny among the soldiers stationed in the barracks of Philadelphia, and of their having surrounded the state house where Congress was sitting....
I am informed that among other disagreeable things said about the removal of Congress from Philadelphia it is insinuated that it was a contrivance of some members to get them out of the state of Pensylvania into one of those to which they belonged and I am told that this insinuation has been pointed at me in particular. Though I am persuaded that all distinterested persons will justify...
That Major General Howe be directed to march such part of the force under his command as he shall judge necessary to the State of Pensylvania; and that the Commanding Officer in the said state be instructed to apprehend and confine all such persons, belonging to the army, as there is reason to believe instigated the late mutiny; to disarm the remainder; to take, in conjunction with the civil...
That Major General Howe be directed to march such part of the force under his command as he shall judge necessary to the state of Pensylvania; in order that immediate measures may be taken to confine and bring to trial all such persons belonging to the army, as have been principally active in the late mutiny, to disarm the remainder and to examine fully into all the circumstances relating...
Whereas by the Confederation the assent of nine states is requisite to the determination of matters of principal importance to the United States and the representation in Congress has for some time past generally consisted of less than that number of states in consequence whereof the public business at an interesting juncture has suffered and continues to suffer great delay and embarrassment:...
[ Princeton, New Jersey ] July 2, 1783 . On this date, John Francis Mercer moved that Congress adjourn and return to Philadelphia. This motion was written and seconded by Hamilton. AD , Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.