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Results 26951-27000 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have thought proper to give you the following Instructions relative to the Ordnance Department...
In addition to the Instructions I gave you to day, I beg may be added that of providing a number...
I shall take particular care with respect to the Gun screws, and if those imported should not be...
I was just now honoured with your Excellencys favour of the 31 Ultimo, & immediately issued...
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 8 Jan. 1778. GW wrote Peters on 24–25 Jan. : “I have recd...
I was this Evening favored with your Letter of the 29th Ulto. I had heard before of your...
Whereas there are large Quantities of waste and unappropriated Lands within the territorial...
Headquarters, 9 January 1778. RC ( Adams Papers ); printed : Lafayette in the Age of the American...
A Schooner belonging to Us by which our friend Mr. McCreery went to France, being returnd a few...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is about 8 Weeks since I arrived here with a resolution...
ALS : University of Virginia Library I have received your Favour of the 3d Instant. I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I am a friend to mankind, I congratulate you on the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Forgive me for dareing to incroch on one of you precious...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Here is another paper of news M. De Keralio, who gives you...
AL : American Philosophical Society <Vienna, January 9, 1778, in Latin: Jakob Oberleithner,...
26966General Orders, 9 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The execution of John Reily is respited ’till tomorrow ten ôClock in the forenoon, when the...
Upon my return from the south Branch of Potomack where I made Contracts for a Considerable...
Monsr Le Baron De Steuben beg’d that I would make him the bearer of a few letters to some of my...
I have your favs. of the 17th and 25th of Decemr. At the time of your writing, Genl Burgoyne...
I yesterday Evening had the honor to receive your favor of the 5th Instant with its Inclosures....
In compliance with your Excellency’s orders received by Lieutenant Lindsay, I have been engaged...
I have directed the Bearer to take your advice respecting the part he is to act to counterplot...
In consequence of your Letter of the 31. of last month, I dispatched a Gentleman well acquainted...
I arrived here yesterday with the Cavalry where I expeted to have found forage Sufficient to...
I yesterday recd the honor of yours from Portsmouth inclosing the Copy of a letter from Messs....
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 9 Jan. 1778. Lund Washington wrote GW on 28 Jan. : “Yours...
1671. Apr. 19. Resolved that there is a fundamental right in the house of Commons alone in bills...
Reasons to be offered at the conference to be desired of the Senate in answer to their reasons...
I am very sorry I lost the Opportunity of conveying a Letter to Braintree by Mr. Thayer last...
The morning after my arrival to this place, I waited on the President with your letter; upon...
Copy: Library of Congress We desire you would advance to Capt. Paul Jones, of the Ranger, five...
Transcript: National Archives; incomplete copies: National Archives, Harvard University Library...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am not surprized, if my Letters, of Septr. 21t. and 26th....
26984General Orders, 10 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The issuing Commissary is hereby authorized to furnish the Generals and other Officers of the...
I remain in a state of inaction untill such time as your Excellency Will think fitt to employ me....
Letter not found: to James Mease, 10 Jan. 1778. Mease wrote GW on 18 Jan. 1778 : “I had the honor...
General Smallwood having laid before us a letter, wherein your Excellency makes a proposition of...
I received your Favors of the 7th Inst., & am peculiarly embarrassed, by a Proposition, which I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Depuis Long tems je suis tenté du plaisir de vous ecrire...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honour of the Inclosd from Dr. Dubourg to day:...
26991General Orders, 11 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial held 3rd instant in Lord Stirling’s division, whereof Lt Coll Brearly...
I am sorry to find by your Letter to Mr Harrison that you still continue indisposed. If the state...
yesterday morning the enemy cam out with about 50 hors and 200 of there Greens, and took four men...
Major Genl Gates having at the Request of his Excellcy Lieut. Genl Bourgoyne exchanged a certain...
Letter not found: from James Wilson, 11 Jan. 1778. GW wrote Wilson on 23 Jan. : “I have received...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Mr. Beaumarchais shewed us your Letter of the 7th Inst. by...
Copy and transcript: National Archives Not having received any letters from you since the 26 of...
D : National Archives This is the first in a long series of intelligence reports to Franklin or...
26999General Orders, 12 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The detachments ordered to relieve Coll Morgan & to take post at the Gulph-Mill, are to be on the...
I was a stranger to the subjects of the present letter when I wrote last week, or should have...