Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to John Chaloner, [10 March 1786]

To John Chaloner1


[New York, March 10, 1786]

Dr Sir

On the subject of the Ships I am to request you will sell them on the best Terms you can.2 I would mean one eighth of them absolutely as they now stand, without any consideration of expences incurred, for all these must come of course into a general account between the concerned. If Mr. Wilcox will give me as much as another so much the better. You may accommodate him as to the time of payment taking a note for the amount. Let me know what you conclude, to whom you sell. Finish the Matter and I will send a Bill of sale.

Yrs with great regard

Alex Hamilton

LS, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

1This letter was enclosed in H to Chaloner, March 16, 1786.

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