Alexander Hamilton Papers

Continental Congress Report on a Letter from the President of Pennsylvania, 22 April 1783

Continental Congress
Report on a Letter from the President of Pennsylvania

[Philadelphia] April 22, 1783

The Committee1 to whom was referred the letter from His Excellency The President of Pensylvania to the Delegates of that state of the 18th. instant2 report that in their opinion it is inexpedient for Congress to come to any formal decision on the subject of that letter.

AD, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.

1The committee consisted of H, Oliver Ellsworth, and James Wilson.

2The letter from John Dickinson, president of Pennsylvania, to the Pennsylvania delegates reads as follows:


“By a law of this state the introduction of British goods is forbid during the war. Many respectable merchants of this city have applied to council, desiring to be informed, if British Vessels may in the present situation of affairs be admitted to Entry. We therefore earnestly wish to know the sense of Congress on this point—‘whether the United States are now at Peace with Great Britain.’

“The Decision of this Question belongs to the National Council & will when clearly made, produce uniformity of proceedings throughout the States: But without it, there may be contradictory sentiments & measures among them. April 18, 1783.” (Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.)

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