Results 26911-26940 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Committee to whom was referred the letter from the Secretary of war of the 14th. instant...
Report of a Committee to whom was committed the letter from His Excelly The President of the...
I did not receive your letter of the 15th. till after my return from Ringwood, where I had a...
The Committee to whom was referred the letter from His Excellency The President of Pensylvania to...
[ Philadelphia ] April 22, 1783 . On this date Hamilton offered a motion, seconded by Hugh...
The Committee on the letter of the 14th instant from His Excellency Sir Guy Carelton submit the...
We have the honor to inclose Your Excellency a copy of the resolutions passed on the [fifteenth...
[ Philadelphia, April 23, 1783. On May 4, 1783, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton : “Your several favors...
[ Philadelphia ] April 23, 1783 . On this date a committee, consisting of Samuel Osgood,...
[The Committee appointed to confer with the superintendant of Finance respecting his Continuance...
[ Philadelphia ] April 29, 1783 . A committee of Thomas Mifflin, Hamilton, and Theodorick Bland,...
The Commitee to whom was referred the letter from Mr. Adams of the report: That they have...
Resolved that the corps of Invalids be reduced; such officers as have lost a limb or been equally...
A necessary absence from Camp and several unavoidable interruptions have been the occasion of,...
Whereas it is the desire of Congress when the reduction of the army shall take place to enable...
Your several favors of the 18th & 25th March and 2d. ult: were delivered me on the first Instant...
The Committee appointed “to consider what arrangements it will be proper to make relatively to...
The same Committee submit the following report on the letter of the 3d. instant from the...
The President of Congress will of course have transmitted to Your Excellency the plan lately...
In Consequence of the Conversation which passed between us this Morning I shall give you the best...
That the said Ministers also endeavour to stipulate that neither party shall keep any naval force...
Resolved that Mr. Dana be informed that the treaties lately entered into for restoring peace have...
The Committee consisting of Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Peters and Mr. Gorham to whom was referred a letter...
[ Philadelphia, May 26, 1783. ] On this date Hamilton moved “That the Commander in Chief be...
[ Philadelphia, May 26, 1783. ] A motion made by Hamilton on this date protested against the...
Resolved That the officers at present holding brevet commissions in the army be intitled to the...
Resolved that General Washington be informed in answer to his letter of the that it is the desire...
[ Philadelphia ] May 30, 1783 . On this date a committee, consisting of Hamilton, Oliver...
That a Committee be appointed to consider of the best manner of carrying into execution the...
In my last letter to Your Excellency I took occasion to mention that it was of great importance...