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Results 26911-26940 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
General Potter Militia he tells me, will all leave this place today, which will leave this post...
I have just receiv’d a Letter from Boston which contains a Paragraph that may not be worth your...
As you were pleased to desire my Sentiments upon sundry Matters, I have thrown them together upon...
A few days ago I recieved your Favor of the 27th Ulto. I wish it had been on any other subject...
Your Favors of the 2 d . 8 th : & 10 June have been rec d . & Copies transmitted to the...
Inclosed you have a letter from Saml. Moody Esqr. dated the 5th. Inst. came to my hands by his...
ALS : University of Virginia Library I am just returned from Painbeuf where I have been with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My friends and Relations in Paris Messieurs Lavabre &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Ivry la Bataille, January 6, 1778, in French: I am treating...
ALS : American Philosophical Society An American friend, who sups with me this Evening, expresses...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of Addressing you the 9th. Ultimo on the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Je crois...
26923General Orders, 6 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The difficulty of procuring Forage for such horses as must necessarily be detained for the common...
Notwithstanding your unwearied diligence And the unparalleled Sacrifice of Domestic happyness and...
I have been honored with yours of the 17th and 20th Ultimo. It gave me pain to find myself...
I have received your Letter of the 4th Inst. When you reflect how lately you Joined the Army—What...
I received your Letter of the 2d Instant pointing out the many inconveniencies that will attend...
I recd yours of the 20th decemr inclosing a letter from Colo. Marbury’s Freind to Majr Molleson....
Letter not found: from Martha Washington, c.6 Jan. 1778. James Craik wrote GW on this date : “I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I calld at Passi yesterday in expectation of meeting you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to refer you to my letter of the 2d. instant,...
ALS : British Library Eden, the head of British intelligence, sent Wentworth to Paris in early...
26933General Orders, 7 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Quarter Master General is to apply to the Adjt General for a fatigue party & cause all dead...
The Officers of the Army being fixed to this particular Camp, are not in a Situation to procure...
I had this day the honor of receiving your Excellency’s Letter of the 5th Instant. Imprest with...
Learning that the Captured Brig contains a great quantity and variety, of officers baggage; and...
The inclosed to Govr Johnston, on the subject of compleating and Cloathing the Troops of...
The strength of the Land Force of the Enemy at Rhode Island, remains much as it has been, for...
D : Library of Congress The commissioners met with Gérard on January 8 and agreed to negotiate...
Did I think it in my power to afford any Consolation to my Friend I Would Readily undertake the...