James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Alexander Scott, 26 August 1826

To Alexander Scott

Montpr. Aug. 26. 1826

Dr Sir

I have read with a just sympathy the view given of your situation in your letter of the 22 brought by the last mail, and regret that I can not fulfill the wish expressed in it. The command of even small sums is difficult with those whose resources are limited to the fruits of agriculture, which for a series of years; in this quarter, have been reduced to one half in amount by unfavorable seasons, & other causes with a like reduction of value in the market; to which might be added the impossibility of finding purchasers for property of any other sort. If the partial compliance with your request which is enclosed,* should contribute in any manner to your relief, it will be so far a gratification to me. With friendly respects &c

J. M

Mrs. M. desires to be affectionately remembered to Mrs. Scott; whose letter she wd. have acknowledged in this if she could have answered it as she wished.

Draft (DLC).

Authorial notes

[The following note(s) appeared in the margins or otherwise outside the text flow in the original source, and have been moved here for purposes of the digital edition.]

º *$35 t.o.

Index Entries