Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Dumas, 14 March 1781

To Dumas

ALS:1 Hendershott Museum Consultants, Inc., Little Rock, Arkansas (1996); copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives

Passy, March 14 1781

Dear Sir,

I have duly receiv’d your late Letters and thank you for the Intelligence they contain’d. Your three Letters to the President of Congress,2 will go by different Ships, and I hope you will succeed in your Application for a farther Allowance, which I think you merit. Tho’ I do not know what the Difficulties are which you mention, as being involv’d in them by the Congress. Please to explain them to me, that I may write about them more exactly. Your last News from Russia, is very good, if true, that the Indep[en]dence of America is to be a Fundamental Article.—

The Bearer, Mr Hazlehurst, is a Merchant of Philadelphia, who visits Holland with commercial Views.— He is a Gentleman of excellent Character and much esteem’d there.3 I recommend him warmly to your Civilities.—

Please to let me know how the Loan goes on, and believe me ever Your affectionate Friend & humble Servant

B Franklin

Mr. Dumas

1The manuscript is damaged and some letters have been obliterated. We supply them from the copy.

2For which see Dumas’ Feb. 5 letter.

3Hazelhurst had been recommended by Robert Morris: XXXIII, 463n.

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