Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Dumas, 7 September 1779

To Dumas

LS:1 University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Library of Congress

Passy Sept. 7. 1779


Inclosed is a Letter for Capt. Jones, which you are desired to deliver him yourself as soon as possible, after his Arrival.—It will be well to keep secret that you expect him there.2

I hope you had a good Journey home.3 I am with great Esteem Sir, Your most obedient & most humble Servant.

B Franklin

M. Dumas.

1In WTF’s hand.

2See Chaumont to Dumas, above, Sept. 2, for Dumas’ rendezvous with Jones.

3Dumas must have left Passy soon after receiving the passports which BF and Vergennes wrote for him on Sept. 3; his first letter after his return was not written until the 14th.

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