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Results 26901-26950 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
4 July 1811, Mount Locust, Jefferson County, Mississippi Territory. “This strange app⟨licatio⟩n...
4 July 1811, Paris. Sends two manuscripts that will prove his attachment to the country which has...
voici le dernier Volume des Œuvres de M r Turgot . vous y verrez parce quil écrivait au docteur...
I only yesterday received your favor of the 24 th ultimo .—the note however was in time, but had...
I have seen with very great concern the late Address of mr. Smith to the public. He has been very...
I have seen with very great concern the late Address of mr Smith to the public. he has been very...
Under cover you have Invoice of Books which my Son inform’d me you wishd me to order for you from...
This will be handed you by M r W m Harris the Grandson of your Old Acquaintance Col o John Harris...
The duties imposed on Cotton imported into England from the United States in American Vessels...
The many failures that have happened in this City, have produced much distress among its...
The love of country is strong in most nations; and one might expect would be so powerful in a...
1 July 1811, Maryland. “I advise you as a Friend to arouse from your Lethargy. Look at the...
I beg leave to inform you, that the Essex is arrived, and that we expect to sail in the course of...
To receive a Letter from you My Dear Brother, & to be assured that a beloved Sister is recovering...
your two last favours of May 18th & 29th are now before me unreplied to. my apology must be that...
I have now to acknowledge the receipt of your number 6. dated 22. February, brought by the Henry...
“The Massachusetts election appears to agitate the Americans in Europe almost exclusively; of all...
“The Massachusetts election appears to agitate the Americans in Europe almost exclusively; of all...
I promised to write you what I considerd the State of Your Dear Mother. She has appeard since you...
30 June 1811, Madeira. Has heard that Jarvis has resigned the Lisbon consulate and wishes to be...
I was much gratified by the receipt of a few lines from you under date of Feby. 11th. enclosing a...
29 June 1811, Washington. “It is rumoured that a new Appointment of Register for the County of...
29 June 1811. Under the act of Congress, passed on 25 Feb. 1811, authorizing the president of the...
Your favor of June 18 th is recieved as had been in due time that of Apr. 25. I now inclose you...
Act 1. Scene 2nd. Mr Adams alone in his Study. Enter B Rush. A: Aye Rush is that you? What is...
The very sudden change of the weather last Sabbath, when I was in a high state of persperation;...
The considerations which arise out of my engagement with the public in the direction of the...
28 June 1811, New York. “Permit my enclosing for your inspection a copy of the Nautical Almanac...
Permit me to enclose for inspection a copy of the Nautical Almanac for 1812—I confess myself...
This strange application will, I have no doubt, surprise you, but dire necessity compels me to...
I enclose you another Attempt to combat a greater enemy to the prosperity and liberties of the...
I shall now proceed with that obnoxious Journal:— Monday, Nov. 11, 1782. Mr. Whiteford, the...
I have sold your last 54 barrels of flour to W m M c Kenzie at 8.½ & 9$. (5 barrels being fine...
26 June 1811, New York. “Having issued from the press the first number of a periodical work; the...
26 June 1811, Buenos Aires. “My Son Don Diego de Saavedra will have the honour of placing in Your...
26 June 1811, Shawanee Springs, Kentucky. Has seen the late act of Congress laying off districts...
Few letters have ever given me so much pleasure as that which you did me the honor to write in...
The fortieth American vessel, which has arrived at Cronstadt, since the opening of this years...
J. M. with his thanks to Mr. Gales returns the newspaper sent him—with an anticipated paragraph...
You will please to pardon the Liberty, I have taken, by forwarding you a Copie of An address, to...
25 June 1811. Addresses to him a letter of credence appointing Joel Barlow as minister...
Having omitted to mention one or two circumstances to you in the case of my neighbor Mr Yeaton...
24 June 1811, Belmont. “A relation & friend of mine, Mr. Mordecai Booth of Winchester, wishing to...
I have been longer than I had hoped in getting my produce to market & sold. it now enables me to...
My funds lying all in Richmond , I inclose you an order on Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson of that...
A few days past I rec’d your note acknowledgeing the receipt of my late list of Post offices,...
Yours of the 20th was recieved yesterday inclosing my account balance 3128.60 and the estimated...
The process of getting my flour to market from Bedford and this place, and of getting it sold,...
your boy came down today while I was in the woods geting timber for the Sithes with a line...
I congratulate you & Mrs. Cutts on the event which has relieved your anxieties; the more so as it...