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Results 26881-26910 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 24th of February, reached me this evening, and in conformity with your...
I embrace this Oppertunity by the Brigantine Saturn Rene Maillett Master (which I have dispatched...
26883Remarks & Occurs. in Feby. [1770] (Washington Papers)
Feby. 2d. Agreed with Joseph Goart, to come down and raise Stone out of my Quarry for my Mill at...
Whilst Colonel Ogden sh all continue in the particular service — —— he has been destined you he...
26885Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1763 (Washington Papers)
A List of Lands on which Quit-Rents became due at Michaelmas 1763 In Fairfax County Mt Vernon...
I take the liberty of inclosing to you the Memorial of Nicholas Cruger and others, citizens of...
Since my last I have been as busily engaged as circumstances would admit, in making such...
It is a Good fortune for me to Arrive from La Grange in time to improve the Opportunity that is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief De retour, et un peu...
I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 1st inst: on the 5th. of this month. I waited...
We do ourselves the honour to inclose you a copy of an application made to the Circuit Court of...
26892[Diary entry: 7 February 1785] (Washington Papers)
Monday 7th. Mercury at 39 this morning—44 at Noon and 48 at Night. Day clear, perfectly calm,...
The officers of the first and second Connecticut brigades beg leave, as a part of the army, to...
the King having honored me since my return to Europe with a commission of inspector of his...
My good Husband has call’d upon me for Some Letters, written to me by my Son , when he was last...
Yesterday I received from the Post Office your obliging Letter of the Sixth of this month. It is...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 31, 1779 . Sends instructions for Indian expedition. Df , in...
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that flour, beef, pork, tar, pitch and turpentine, before...
Please to send the following Shoes &ca and apply to Messrs Cary & Co. for the amount. For Geo....
You will be pleased to have the Flat Boats which are in James River mounted upon Carriages as...
I am almost as troublesome to you, my dear friend, as to my Physician, and with less reason as it...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Nous répondons à la lettre que vous nous avez fait...
The Enemy this Morning opened against us with five Batteries. At two this afternoon, no Man was...
A few days since, I received your kind favour of 25. ult o: and am greatly rejoyced at the...
among the many civilities I had the honor of reciving in your Excellencys family there was one...
26906General Orders, 17 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Quarter Master General will deliver to the Major of each Brigade, or his Order, Twenty great...
29 June 1802, Gibraltar. No. 93. “After referring you to mine No. 91 & 92 ⅌ this Conveyance,...
The annual period for electing a President of the American Philosophical society being now...
I am this day, Madam, favoured with your Letter of the 19th. of March, and embrace the earliest...
Your kind favour of the 27th. of Septr. has greatly obliged me. The Will of your Uncle has not...