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Results 26881-26910 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The following hints are humbly submitted to the consideration of your Excellency. The necessity...
I would beg leave to recommend Major Henry Dearborn, who is the Eldest Major in the New Hampshire...
I have been regularly favd with yours of the 28th and 30th of December and of the 1st instant. I...
Every Gentleman of the Army is convinced of the Necessity of recruiting our Troops to a much more...
Yesterday I had the Honor of receiving your Letter of the 1st Inst. which I communicated to...
As some Indian Tribes, to the westward of the Missisippi have lately, without any provocation,...
Incomplete AL or ALS : University of Virginia Library <[Before May 18, 1778 ], in French: You...
(I) AL , (II) L , (III) AL : Harvard University Library We print the letters together because...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I can no otherwise give an Order for your Passage gratis,...
Reprinted from Notes and Queries: a Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men, General...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I wrote you last I went on a Cruze and fell in with...
AL : American Philosophical Society Sir Philip Gibbes presents his respects to Doctor Franklin....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Here is a Letter for Mr. Nathanael Seidel in Bethlehem, whom...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Chevalier De Keralio who had the pleasure of dining with you...
26895General Orders, 4 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
As fast as the men go into Hutts the tents are to be returned immediately to the Quarter-Master...
Your Letter of the 8th Ulto came to my hands a few days ago; and, to my great surprize informed...
Unwilling as I am to add any thing to the multiplicity of matter that necessarily engages the...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s direction I have informed myself minutely with the country in the...
AD : Harvard University Library In Company with some American Gentlemen, it was dropped in...
With a very particular Satisfaction shall I take into our School and Family the Son of your...
I had the honour of Addressing you on the 28th. November and 3d. Ultimo in Official Letters from...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Your favors of the 2d. 8th: and 10 June last have been...
Copy: Yale University Library This interview, the second within a year between the two men, was...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You did me the honour this morning to say, that if upon...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Here is an invitation from the Dutchesses De Mortemart for...
26906General Orders, 5 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court-Martial held 1st instant whereof Coll Scammell was President appeared Denham...
As your excellency’s opinion seems to gree with my ideas for ⟨taking⟩ in our service those Non...
I yesterday Evening had the honor of your Favor of the 1st Instant with it’s several Inclosures....
Last Night I was honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 1st Inst. I presented it this...
The Plan proposed by the Feild Officers of your Brigad⟨e⟩ is Similar to what is Adopted by some...