Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Henderson’s Account as Express, with Jefferson’s Certification, 14 April 1781

James Henderson’s Account as Express, with Jefferson’s Certification

at the Swet springs £24    Mr. Millers  127– 4
Berton Shavers 21   
9    expences comg  336
Mr Tilfords 24    going back  214
Robt. Steel 9   
Widow Estills 21    Total expences £550
Leas 21    18 days riding express  180
Wollecer 21    £730
Burd 3   
Messeys 21   
Ritherfords 9   

Apr. 14. 1781

I hereby certify that the bearer James Henderson came express on necessary public business from Greenbriar.

Th: Jefferson

MS (Vi: Contingent Fund Vouchers); endorsed: “April 14: 1781 Jas Henderson £730. Contingent [In another hand] Entd.” TJ’s certification to the auditors is in his own hand on a separate slip filed with the Account.

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