Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Dugnani, 11 July 1788

To Dugnani

Paris July 11. 1788.

I have the honor of sending your Excellency the second volume of the American Philosophical transactions which came to my hands yesterday. My correspondent writes me that the first volume cannot be bought at this moment, the depot in which they were kept having been destroyed during the war. But he adds that they propose to reprint the first volume and that he will take care to send me a copy for you as soon as it shall appear.

I have written to Havre to have the post office there examined for the packet which your Excellency supposes may have come there from America to your address, and will have the honor of communicating to you the information I shall receive. I have now that of assuring you that I am with sentiments of sincere esteem and respect Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble servant,

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC); at foot of text: “H. E. the Apostolical Nuncio.”

The Correspondent was Edward Carrington; see his letter to TJ, 14 May 1788. If Cardinal Dugnani’s supposition about the Packet … from America was put in writing, his letter has not been found; TJ’s letter Written To Havre is that to Limozin, this date.

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