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Results 26851-26900 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26851 Jackson, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Jackson, 9 January 1803 1803-01-09 Relying on your goodness to excuse this intrusion on your time, I beg leave to interest myself in...
26852 Ronaldson, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Ronaldson, 16 February 1820 1820-02-16 In the generation that follows the Heroes and statesmen of the Revolution, General Andrew Jackson...
26853 Barclay, Thomas Adams, John Thomas Barclay to John Adams, 25 December 1784 1784-12-25 As I passed through Nantes in my way to Bordeaux I received a letter from M rs. Barclay wherin...
26854 Anderson, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Anderson, 11 June 1790 1790-06-11 Although I formerly had the Honor, of being personally presented to your Excellency, when an...
26855 McWhir, William Washington, George To George Washington from William McWhir, 24 December … 1787-12-24 Patronage and Bounty has so very essentially contributed to the growth and respectability of our...
26856 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 October 1795] 1795-10-06 6. Do. N. Wt. clear cooler.
26857 Washington, George Harrison, William B. From George Washington to William B. Harrison, 4 … 1798-11-04 It has often been in my mind to ask, (if your tenements near my Mill are not under leases...
26858 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 11 February … 1797-02-11 After several little turns in the mode of conveying you notice of your election, recurrence was...
26859 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving (Abstract), 8 … 1805-02-08 8 February 1805, London . No. 49. “I had the honor to receive in due course your letter of Novr....
26860 Johnson, Chapman Madison, James To James Madison from Chapman Johnson, 5 October 1827 1827-10-05 I have just received a communication from General Cocke, enclosing Mr. Shorts letters, on the...
26861 Adams, John VI. Committee Report on Petition from Nova Scotia, 9 … 1775-11-09 Proposals. That two Battallions of Marines be raised consisting of one Collonell, two Lt....
26862 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1806-12-22 Last Evening I received your’s of the 14th: which makes me anxious to hear from you again—Your...
26863 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 20 August … 1805-08-20 G. Jefferson sends the box of hinges &c by the Stage agreeably to Mr. J’s direction. MHi :...
26864 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from … 1782-09-01 The bearer of my letter, Chevalier de Lambert, a French gentlemen, will do himself the honor to...
26865 Milet l’aîné, —— To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Milet l’aîné, with … 1784-03-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society Beginning in March, 1784, Franklin was able to send would-be...
26866 Jefferson, Thomas Pinckney, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Pinckney, 3 May 1793 1793-05-03 The bearer hereof Dr. Edwards, a citizen of the US. proposing to visit London, I take the liberty...
26867 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 30 August … 1803-08-30 30 August 1803 , “ Frigate Adams at Sea .” No. 11. Wrote in his last letters (nos. 9 and 10 [ 24...
26868 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 13 February 1795 1795-02-13 I received your favor of the eleventh yesterday. M rs Smith has quite recovered from her illness...
26869 Madison, James Preston, Francis From James Madison to Francis Preston, 2 June 1823 1823-06-02 I recd. by the last Mail yours of May 15: and I can not but express my regret that any...
26870 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 6 February 1811 1811-02-06 I have but two motives in transmitting to you the enclosed papers: 1st. to prevent you from...
26871 Washington, George [Diary entry: 27 December 1769] 1769-12-27 27. A Very white frost but still clear & exceeding pleast. Gd. Hard froze.
26872 Du Marquet, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Du Marquet and Other … 1780-03-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society The first applicant for emigration during the months covered...
26873 Nelson, Thomas, Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Nelson, Jr., 15 … 1781-02-15 I have this moment receiv’d a Letter from Colo. Dabney Commandant of the Posts below, a Copy of...
26874 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 17 September 1818 1818-09-17 J. M ’s best respects to mr Jefferson . He has the pleasure to send, for his perusal, a late...
26875 Oliver, Julius Madison, James To James Madison from Julius Oliver, 16 April 1808 1808-04-16 In my last of the 28th Ulto. I had not the time, to have the honor, to send you as per this an...
26876 Henderson, James Jefferson, Thomas James Henderson’s Account as Express, with Jefferson’s … 1781-04-14 at the Swet springs £24    Mr. Millers  127– 4 Berton Shavers 21    9    expences comg  336 Mr...
26877 Jefferson, Thomas Shoemaker, Jonathan & Isaac Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Jonathan & Isaac … 1811-01-15 1807. Oct. 8. paid Isaac Shoemaker 67. D 56 c balance of a settlement by arbitration to Aug. 25....
26878 Washington, George Stevens, Ebenezer From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Ebenezer … 1778-12-17 I have the pleasure to transmit you the inclosed Commission and the Copy of a Resolution of...
26879 Jefferson, Thomas Reibelt, Philippe From Thomas Jefferson to Philippe Reibelt, 29 May 1805 1805-05-29 The box of books announced in your letter of the 17th. is recieved, and I will ask the favor of...
26880 Jefferson, Thomas Staël-Holstein, Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker … From Thomas Jefferson to Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker … 1807-07-16 I have recieved, Madam, the letter which you have done me the favor to write from Paris on the...
26881 Hay, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Hay, 3 March 1802 1802-03-03 Your letter of the 24th of February, reached me this evening, and in conformity with your...
26882 Cushing, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Cushing, 21 October 1778 1778-10-21 I embrace this Oppertunity by the Brigantine Saturn Rene Maillett Master (which I have dispatched...
26883 Washington, George Remarks & Occurs. in Feby. [1770] 1770-02-02 Feby. 2d. Agreed with Joseph Goart, to come down and raise Stone out of my Quarry for my Mill at...
26884 Hamilton, Alexander Smith, William Stephens From Alexander Hamilton to William S. Smith [13 January … 1800-01-13 Whilst Colonel Ogden sh all continue in the particular service — —— he has been destined you he...
26885 Washington, George Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1763 1763-01-01 A List of Lands on which Quit-Rents became due at Michaelmas 1763 In Fairfax County Mt Vernon...
26886 Jefferson, Thomas Genet, Edmond Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Edmond Charles Genet, 12 July … 1793-07-12 I take the liberty of inclosing to you the Memorial of Nicholas Cruger and others, citizens of...
26887 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 27 … 1803-12-27 Since my last I have been as busily engaged as circumstances would admit, in making such...
26888 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Madison, James To James Madison from Lafayette, 21 November 1811 1811-11-21 It is a Good fortune for me to Arrive from La Grange in time to improve the Opportunity that is...
26889 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 16 October 1778 1778-10-16 ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief De retour, et un peu...
26890 Rodney, Caesar A. Madison, James To James Madison from Caesar A. Rodney, 18 January 1802 1802-01-18 I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 1st inst: on the 5th. of this month. I waited...
26891 To George Washington from James Iredell and John … 1795-06-15 We do ourselves the honour to inclose you a copy of an application made to the Circuit Court of...
26892 Washington, George [Diary entry: 7 February 1785] 1785-02-07 Monday 7th. Mercury at 39 this morning—44 at Noon and 48 at Night. Day clear, perfectly calm,...
26893 Sherman, Isaac Washington, George To George Washington from Isaac Sherman, 4 June 1782 1782-06-04 The officers of the first and second Connecticut brigades beg leave, as a part of the army, to...
26894 Chastellux, François-Jean de Beauvoir, marquis de Washington, George To George Washington from François-Jean de Beauvoir … 1783-08-23 the King having honored me since my return to Europe with a commission of inspector of his...
26895 Adams, Abigail Smith Jefferson, Thomas Abigail Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 15 December 1816 1816-12-15 My good Husband has call’d upon me for Some Letters, written to me by my Son , when he was last...
26896 Adams, John Marshall, John From John Adams to John Marshall, 17 July 1806 1806-07-17 Yesterday I received from the Post Office your obliging Letter of the Sixth of this month. It is...
26897 Washington, George Sullivan, John George Washington to Major General John Sullivan, 31 … 1779-05-31 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 31, 1779 . Sends instructions for Indian expedition. Df , in...
26898 Committee of the Virginia Assembly 44. A Bill for Preventing Frauds by the Dealers in … 1779-06-18 Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that flour, beef, pork, tar, pitch and turpentine, before...
26899 Washington, George Didsbury, John From George Washington to John Didsbury, 20 July 1767 1767-07-20 Please to send the following Shoes &ca and apply to Messrs Cary & Co. for the amount. For Geo....
26900 Washington, George Pickering, Timothy From George Washington to Timothy Pickering, 14 October … 1781-10-14 You will be pleased to have the Flat Boats which are in James River mounted upon Carriages as...