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I now enclose you the last letter from Norfolk. The next will I presume be from Major Newton to whom the command has been transfered, & to whom I have communicated your opinion on the subject of supplies for the Columbine. I am with the highest respect Sir yr. Ob. St. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have the honor to forward to you Major Newtons letters of the 26th. and also of the 27th and 28th. I am with the highest respect Sir yr. Ob. St. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
After having written an answer to your letter of the 17th—I have barely time to acknowledge, with many thanks, the receipt of your particular favor of the 11th which did not come to hand until to day—It has removed every doubt from my mind—I will answer it more particularly tomorrow— Accept my assurances of the highest respect. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I am this moment favored with yours of the 9th, but I fear the direct mail to Charlottesville is already closed—No inconvenience will arise from the circumstance mentioned in your letter because as I understood that Capt. Decatur was not in Norfolk. I did not state to General Mathews that he no longer had the power to receive and regulate the intercourse by flag with the British Squadron—Your...
Your favor of the 11th. on the subject of the Volunteers, was not received until yesterday—I feel myself much indebted to you for the trouble you have been pleased to take in the solution of the questions propounded in my letter of the 7th. The difficulties I experienced, related principally to the appointment of the Majors and Colonels—Those relating to Captains yeelded to my own mature...
I now forward to you two other letters from Major Newton, and have the Honor to be with the highest respect Sir yr. ob: St. Vi : Executive Letterbook.
I have the honor to enclose you General Mathew’s letters of the 12th & 13th of this month, which were both received at a very late hour yesterday morning. Not knowing whether you take the Norfolk Ledger, I take the liberty to send you a paragraph from that paper, which gives information very interesting if true— I am with the highest respect Sir yr. Ob. St DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have the honor to enclose you a copy of a letter this morning received from General Mathews covering the Copy of another which he had written to the Secretary of State; and also a Copy of a letter, without Signature, which I this morning received from Hampton. They State the daring insult offered to our Flagg, in the illegal and savage attack made by the British Ship of War Leopard on the...
I have the honor to enclose you General Mathews’s letter of the 24th. I am with the highest respect Sir yr. Ob. St. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
A letter from Norfolk, of the 25th. states, “the force of the British Squadron at 2. P.M this day, consisted of the Triumph, Leopard, Cleopatra, and two armed Brigs; their position as yesterday”—Nothing is said of the Columbine— I am with great respect Sir yr. Ob. St. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Yours of the 19th. was received by yesterdays mail—On the order for discharging that portion of the Militia that had been sent to Norfolk from this place and Petersburg, some farther explanation is necessary than what I had time to give when I wrote to you before on that subject. That information should be asked from you, and that a decision should be made before time has been given to impart...
You will receive inclosed Major Newtons letter of the 3rd. instant. I am with the highest respect Sir yr. Ob. St DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I am sorry that the information I must now give is not calculated to strengthen those hopes which might have been excited by my last that the British Squadron intended to respect the authority of our Government—I enclose for your perusal a copy of a letter this morning received from General Mathews, together with copies of his instructions to Captains Shepard & Taylor, and also of the report...
A powder Mill has been lately established in the immediate vicinity of this place, and it is now carried on by a company of gentlemen, of which the Mr. Browns, sons of Mr. John Brown, Clerk of the Court of appeals, are partners—This company wishes to obtain from the General Government some accommodation in supplies of Salt-petre, for which they will pay either in Cash, or in powder as the...
I wrote to you yesterday and enclosed a letter from Capt: Reade of the 18th. stating that the British Vessels had actually left our waters but were still off the Capes. He also observed that the term of service of the company now under his command would expire on the 2nd. of next month, and that they would not willingly remain longer in service—A fear that some derangement in the Post office...
My friend Doctor William Upshaw is desirous to procure the appointment of Hospital Surgeon, in the Armies of the United States—I pray you to pardon the liberty I take, in recommending him to the attention of the Government. To say that he is upright, capable, honorable and republican, would be but common praise. I am persuaded the office he solicits could not be better filled. A long & painful...
I have received your letter of the 8th. authorizing the Executive of this State to call into immediate service such a portion of the Militia as might be judged necessary & most convenient, for the defence of Norfolk, & the Gunboats at Hampton & in Mathews, & for the protection of the Country against the hostile acts of the British Squadron now blockading Norfolk—You will before this, have...
I received by the last nights mail your favor of the 13th. and shall forward the letters alluded to according to their address. I sent you by the mail before the last a copy of the Acts of our last Assembly, and requested your attention to that clause in the Militia law which prohibits the Executive from granting certain commissions—You will readily perceive its effect—I regret it extremely,...
I have the honor to enclose you two letters from General Mathews received by this mornings mail—As to the packet mentioned in one of the letters, and addressed to Capt: Hardy, I consider it as coming within the prohibition of the Proclamation, & your instructions. You will perceive that General Mathews considers it in the same light—I should direct its return to the British Consul at New-York,...
Your two letters of the 19th. were received today—I received no letter from Norfolk this morning, and therefore can communicate no information from that quarter—Directions have been given for the discharge of the Cavalry—The Company of Artillery, and the company of Infantry will be immediately placed under the command of Major Newton, who will receive all necessary instructions—A daily express...
No mail has been received from Norfolk since Saturday morning; but one is expected this morning, so that I shall be able to communicate, by the Charlottesville mail this Evening, any interesting intelligence that may be received—But even that mail has not yet arrived altho it has been due since Sunday Evening— I am with the highest respect Sir yr. Ob. St DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
A letter from Capt: Reade of the 21st. states that nothing new has occurred—and that the British Squadron continues off the Capes. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Sir yr. most: Obt. St. PHi : Daniel Parker Papers.
I am sorry it is not in my power to give you any information from Norfolk, as I received no letters by this mornings mail. I am with the highest respect Sir yr. Ob. St DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
When Major Newton commanded the Militia in Norfolk, some letters were sent to him by Sir Robert Laurie, for the purpose of being delivered to the British Consul who, I presume, was charged with the distribution of those addressed to different persons in the United States. These letters, being all under seal, could not be delivered; and Major Newton did not think it proper to send a flag for...
I have the honor to forward Major Newtons letter of the 31st. of Augt. You will observe what he states with respect to the conduct of some of the Boats of the British Squadron, in frequently coming near the shore, rowing in different directions, as if with intention to land, & sometimes taking soundings of the Coast, and the entrance of Lynhaven River—I have not thought that this conduct,...
Yours of the 31st. of July has been duly received, and I shall by this days mail give the instructions which you require, so as to ensure the most direct information as to the movements of the British Squadron—The papers from Norfolk represent them as being quiet at present, but I have not received any letters from General Mathews for several days—I have not heard from him since he received my...
I had the pleasure, last Evening, to receive your favor of the 25th. I received at the same time a letter from Capt: Reade of the 24th which states that the British Vessels still continued without the Capes— It was reported to me by Major Newton before he left Norfolk, that some of the men in Capt: Nestells company of Artillery at Fort Norfolk, were anxious to be discharged, and that they...
I have the honor to forward to you Majr. Newton’s letter of the 24th. I received your letter to Colo. Smith, and took pleasure in forwarding it to Walkerton, King & Queen, near which he resides—I am with the highest respect, Sir yr. Ob. St DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have the honor to enclose Captain Reades letter of the 22nd. instant, and to be with the highest respect, Sir yr. Ob. St. PHi : Daniel Parker Papers.
I now forward you Major Newtons report of the 6th. instant. I am with the highest respect Sir yr. ob. St. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.