Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure I: Joshua Johnson to Nicholas Duff, 18 May 1791

Joshua Johnson to Nicholas Duff

London, 18 May 1791. He encloses a letter to the officers of the customs. “You will wait on those Gentlemen and deliver the same, requesting that they will be pleased to give you their Answer, and which you will forward to me without loss of time. I would have you refer to your Log Book, and see what Day you arrived at the Mother Bank, what Day you went on Shore, and what Day you made your Report at the Custom House; you will be very particular in this, and transmit the Account.”

Tr (DNA: RG 76, Great Britain, unsorted papers); docketed by Remsen. Enclosure: Johnson to the Principal Officers of the Customs at Portsmouth, 18 May 1791, stating that since the Commissioners of the Customs have ordered M Rachel and brandies in pipe to be given up “on a satisfaction being made to the seizing officers, which term I have adopted as it is their own,” he desires them to inform him in writing “what that means, and if it means the payment of a Sum of Money to you, what that sum is” (Tr in DNA: RG 59, CD).

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