James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Paul Hamilton, 24 July 1811

From Paul Hamilton

Navy Department 24 July 1811


I have the honor of submitting to your consideration the paper herewith marked A—which exhibits a view of the navy appropriations up to the 23rd ins. inclusively.1

By this paper it will appear that the aggregate balance of the appropriations unexpended, is $1,316,577:61; but that two of the appropriations viz for “Repairs of vessels,” & for “Qrmaster & Barrack master’s Dept of the Marine corps” are exhausted.

Upon the appropriation for repair’s there is an apparent balance of $698:10 unexpended; but there are drafts upon that appropriation, at this time unpaid, to the amount of $21,008:27—leaving on this day a real deficit exceeding 20,000$.

To meet these drafts, & to provide for current expenses, I respectfully recommend a transfer of One hundred thousand dollars, to be made in equal proportions from the appropriations for “Pay of the Navy” & for “Provisions.”

Upon the appropriation for “Qr master & Barrack Master’s Dept of the Marine Corps” there are at this time drafts unpaid, amounting to $552:70. To meet these drafts & to provide for current expenses, I respectfully recommend a transfer of 6000$ from the appropriation for “Pay &c of the Marine Corps.[”]2 I have the honor to be with great respect sir, Yr mo obt &c.

Paul Hamilton

RC and enclosure (DLC); letterbook copy and copy of enclosure (DNA: RG 45, LSP). RC in Goldsborough’s hand, signed by Hamilton. RC and enclosure docketed by JM. For enclosure, see n. 1.

1Hamilton enclosed a “Statement of Navy Appropriations 23rd July 1811” (1 p.) showing undrawn balances in the Treasury Department totaling $1,274,060.78 for all branches of naval expenditure except “Repairs of Vessels,” “Q. Masters Dept.,” and “Salt petre.” The balances in the hands of the treasurer amounted to $42,516.83.

2Filed with the letterbook copy is a copy of an authorization Hamilton apparently enclosed for JM’s signature (1 p.), directing the transfer of two sums of $50,000, one from the pay and subsistence fund and the other from the provisions fund, both to be applied to the repair of vessels fund. The sum of $6,000 was to be transferred from the pay fund of the Marine Corps to the Quartermaster’s Department of the same service.

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