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Results 26811-26820 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have great pleasure, my beloved in repeating to you what the Doctor has just now said, that the knee would be well in one day more and in two or three I might begin to ride—so that I may reasonably hope that a fortnight more will be the extent of my stay in Philadelphia, I am so impatient to be restored to you. I wish you would indulge me with some information respecting the war with Spain...
Yesterday I received your Excellencys Favour, of the 23d Ultimo, and observe the Contents. I have had Mr Morris’s further Orders, for another Thousand Barrells Flour for the use of the Army, have now Finished Purchaceing the Two Thousand Barrells, and in Consequence of your Excelencys Letter shall Continue to Purchace, an other Thousand Barrells, as fast as Possible I find the Millers Can...
By a resolution of the standing Committee for the county of Albemarle, we have been deputed in the name of our fellow-citizens, to solicit your attendance on friday next at a public dinner to be given to general La Fayette at the university of Virginia. We trust you will do us the honor to attend and unite with us in manifesting to this distinguished benefactor of our country, every evidence...
LS : American Philosophical Society In Consequence of your letter of 12th: Instant we have acquainted Mr. Beaumarchais we were ready to account with him for the whole Proceeds of the Cargo of the amphitrite of which we have already remitted to him part of the amount and Shall continue. If our accounts of disbursements for the two frigattes have exceeded your expectations you cannot with any...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance Mr. Elisha Jenkins Secretary of this State. He is a Gentlemen of the first respectability here and a uniform and decided friend and supporter of your administration. Any attentions you may be pleased to shew him will be deemed a favour conferred upon me. Accept Sir, an assurance of my respect and esteem. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I designd to have wrote you by the last Post, but have been so unwell for the week past that I have not been able. We have had very Hot weather which you know never agrees well with me, and greatly distresses me under my present circumstances. I loose my rest a nights, which makes me more unable to bear the Heat of the day. I look forward to the middle of july with more anxiety than I can...
26817[Diary entry: 24 May 1795] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear with the Wind Westerly—rather cool.
In the postscript of a Letter which I had the honor of writing to you on the 26th instant, I acknowledged the receipt of your respected favor of the 25th (which P.S. was added, however, on the evening of the 27th when your letter got to hand and the mail was just closing) in which I noted the sum of money & order on the Bank of Alexa. enclosed in that letter; but on recurring to the order, I...
The formidable invasion of my ninetieth year must be my apology for neglecting, and so improperly, your valuable and worthy present of “A System of Universal Science”; but the loss of my sight prevents my making the use of it I wish. It is a work of great labour and research, and must be useful to those who wish to inquire into that subject. I also thank you for the newspapers you sent me. I...
I fear that the pressure of much business, and an anxiety to avail myself of a moment of leisuir, to write to Mr Adams in reply to his kind letter, made me delay it longer than I ought to have done. I now return you the letter—which he had the goodness to submit to my perusal, and with many thanks to him for it. The sentiments which it conveys do honor to the head & the heart of the author—....