James Madison Papers

To James Madison from David Holmes, 29 July 1811 (Abstract)

§ From David Holmes

29 July 1811, Washington, Mississippi Territory. “I left Virginia within so short a period after my appointment to the Government of this Territory, that I had no opportunity of adjusting my private concerns, and was consequently unable to bring with me the residue of a small patrimony.” This has inconvenienced him, but until now “considerations of public duty” have prevented him from seeking permission to return. Is confident Mr. Daingerfield can administer the territory in his absence; wishes, therefore, to return to Virginia in the fall, provided JM believes “no event will occur during the winter which may require the attention of both Mr. Daingerfield and myself to the Public business.” Plans to depart in early October but will remain if the public interest would be promoted thereby.1

RC (DNA: RG 59, TP, Mississippi). 3 pp. Docketed with the notation “granted 31 Augt.” Printed in Carter, Territorial Papers, Mississippi, 6:214–15.

1In conveying JM’s permission to Holmes, Monroe remarked that the “accommodation” was “justly due to your long absence, and the promptitude with which you undertook the trust confided to you by the Government” (Monroe to Holmes, 31 Aug. 1811, Carter, Territorial Papers, Mississippi, 6:219).

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