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Results 26801-26810 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ Springfield, New Jersey, June 15, 1780. ] Contains information concerning the British troops and New Jersey “volunteers” in the vicinity. AD , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. James Dickson of the British Guards had deserted and was at this time with the American troops near Springfield.
I thank the Great Spirit above that I have a very bright day to talk with the Great Chief of our White Brothers—It is the Great Spirit’s doings he has appointed me for that purpose—The Great Spirit looks down upon us— The Great Spirit has appointed four Angels and appointed me the fifth, to direct our people on earth—I thank the Great Spirit that the Great Chief of my White brothers is well &...
Letter not found : from John Carey, 9 Sept. 1796. GW wrote Carey on 30 Dec.: “I have received your letters of the 8th and 9th of September” ( DLC:GW ).
The Washington Packet arrived this morning, I have not yet had leisure to read all my Letters, but as an Express is ready to go early to Morrow, I rather chuse to rely upon your goodness to excuse a letter written in extreme haste; than to hold myself inexcusable, by not informing you of what we yet know of the State of our Negotiations, none of my Letters are of a latter date than the 24th...
26805[Diary entry: 5 November 1772] (Washington Papers)
5. Dined with the Council. Spent the Evening in my own Room.
On the petition of David Steward & other respectable citizens of Baltimore, praying the President to order a nolle presequi in the case of Captain Levin Jones, late master of the American Brigantine called the David Stewart, who has been indicted for the crime of murder committed, as alledged on the body of William Davis one of his crew, on the high seas. The Secretary of State, in obedience...
Previous to the receipt of this letter, you will have heard of the escape of Col. Burr from the Mississippi Territory, and of the reward offered by Governor Williams for his apprehension. The reports are variant as to the course Colo: Burr may pursue in his flight. One conjecture is, that he is making to the sea Coast, & from thence to Europe; another, that he has gone to the City of...
26808July 22. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Billings sober and steady, persevering in his declaration that he will not drink, these 12 months. Paid Trask in full sixteen Dollars for 24 Days Works. He insisted on 4s. a Day. He has finished clearing the Swamp on Penns Hill this day.
Yr Letter of the 24th Ulto I recd—And as You observe the absolute Necessity of having a Company of Rangers, I agree to the raising sixty, seventy or 80 Men to be Commanded by Mr Rutherfurd, but You must be certain of his raising the Men, not to load the Country with a Charge, as formerly, without Men to the different Companies; I do not doubt of Yr keeping them strictly to their Duty—his Pay,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There being at this Port many American Seamen and officers lately arrived from England and other Parts have engaged us to purchase a fast Sailing Brig at this Port of which we have given the Command to Captain James Tucker. I request the favor that you will please to send me by return of Post a Commission for the said Brig as I intend to Arm her as a Letter...