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Results 26801-26850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ Springfield, New Jersey, June 15, 1780. ] Contains information concerning the British troops...
I thank the Great Spirit above that I have a very bright day to talk with the Great Chief of our...
Letter not found : from John Carey, 9 Sept. 1796. GW wrote Carey on 30 Dec.: “I have received...
The Washington Packet arrived this morning, I have not yet had leisure to read all my Letters,...
26805[Diary entry: 5 November 1772] (Washington Papers)
5. Dined with the Council. Spent the Evening in my own Room.
On the petition of David Steward & other respectable citizens of Baltimore, praying the President...
Previous to the receipt of this letter, you will have heard of the escape of Col. Burr from the...
26808July 22. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Billings sober and steady, persevering in his declaration that he will not drink, these 12...
Yr Letter of the 24th Ulto I recd—And as You observe the absolute Necessity of having a Company...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There being at this Port many American Seamen and officers...
I have great pleasure, my beloved in repeating to you what the Doctor has just now said, that the...
Yesterday I received your Excellencys Favour, of the 23d Ultimo, and observe the Contents. I have...
By a resolution of the standing Committee for the county of Albemarle, we have been deputed in...
LS : American Philosophical Society In Consequence of your letter of 12th: Instant we have...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance Mr. Elisha Jenkins Secretary of this State. He is a...
I designd to have wrote you by the last Post, but have been so unwell for the week past that I...
26817[Diary entry: 24 May 1795] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear with the Wind Westerly—rather cool.
In the postscript of a Letter which I had the honor of writing to you on the 26th instant, I...
The formidable invasion of my ninetieth year must be my apology for neglecting, and so...
I fear that the pressure of much business, and an anxiety to avail myself of a moment of leisuir,...
I embrace the earliest opportunity of acknowledging your Excellency’s favors of the 21 st. of...
I had yesterday afternoon the honor to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 6th with a copy of...
The inclosed paper gives, it is alledged, the sequel of the battle of the 18: of June, between...
I find upon enquiry that the State of New York did in the year 1800, obtain credit, under the...
I am obligd to You for a letter the 14th Instant. My writing to You is from the motive of making...
I had, last Evening, the honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of the 11th and immediately...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Will you allow your fellow traveller to and from Canada to...
Le Riz vaut dans ce moment £14. à £14.5s. de Nice Le cantare qui est composé de 150. lb soit de 6...
J’ai reçu la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 5 de ce mois avec...
Letter not found: from Tobias Lear, 2 July 1798. On 4 July GW wrote Lear : “I have received your...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 15 March 1806, New Orleans. “The Carrier of the Mail of the...
Your favor of the 11th . has come duly to hand. Before it’s receipt I had carried the purchases...
I had the honor to address you a short letter on the 10th. instant, merely to acquaint you with...
Your letter of the 20th. Ult. was not recd. till yesterday afternoon. I find on recurring to my...
Your letter of the 14th. was recieved on the 18th. and this goes by the return of the first post,...
but I was thinking so much of Quincy, that I mechanically dated from thence; when I sent Letters...
I suppose Majr Lewis informed You that the Valley at the mouth of Pattersons Creek did not extend...
In compliance with your instructions, William Liddle was indicted, in the Circuit Court of the...
I feel honored & obliged by your communication of the 5th instant. I have lately formed a table...
Instead of the unintelligible sketch I gave you the other day, I send it drawn more at large. mrs...
Tis almost four Months since you left your Native land and Embarked upon the Mighty waters in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Dans Le recueil de M. Le President Rolland, que J’ay eû...
J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 15. de ce mois; Le...
I wrote you on the 12th. of March, and again on the 17th. of the same month, since which I have...
I beg you to accept the accompanying volume of “ Historical Letters .” I confess I am ashamed of...
My last respects of the date of the 26th. Inst. covering a dispatch from Mr. Pinckney was ⅌ the...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance my brother Robert, who is one of the...
Lorsque Je partis de L’amerique, Il y a pres de deux ans, Monsieur le general Gates M’honnora...
I this moment recd a letter from Majr Lee who has been on the Lines for several days in order To...
I think it necessary that you should be acquainted with the following information received this...