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Results 26801-26810 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your Favour of the 13th covering a Copy of yours of the 6th to Mr Morris, is really alarming—I cannot however but hope that he will find means of extricating you from the Difficulties in which you are involved on the public Account—If he cannot, I know of no means of subsisting the Army but reverting again to the ruinous and expensive System of calling upon the States for specific Supplies—I...
Valley Forge, February 21, 1778 . Discusses impossibility of an enemy attack on Valley Forge. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Duer was a delegate from New York to Congress.
The enclosed Complaints against your Department, are of so serious & alarming Complexion, that I cannot omit to transmit them to you—with my earnest request that the Causes may immediately be removed, & that complete Satisfaction may be given to the Army. I am also informed from West point, that the Measles is very prevalent among the Troops in that Garrison, which absolutely requires their...
Inclosed is the proceedings of a board of Generals and Officers commanding Corps. on an Enquiry into the execution of Contract. In consequence thereof the Commander in Chief desires to know your objections (if any you have) to the annulling the Agreement therein Mentioned and putting the Army on the footing of the Original Contract. I am directed also to call on Mr Smith for the circumstances...
In answer to your letter of this date, I am sorry to inform you, that I have not in my hands at this time more than Eighty dollars in specie which I informed you I would reserve for you in addition to the one hundred and sixty dollars, which I have already exchanged for your use. I wish I had a prospect of complying with what you mention to be Mr. Morris’s expectation, but I should deceive you...
I am favoured with yours of the 16th instant, communicating the intelligence you had received, respecting the scheme of investing this camp and cutting off its supplies. Your being unacquainted with our present position and the circumstance you mention of an intimation from General Sinclair, of the possibility of such an event, very naturally occasioned Biddles insinuation, to make the...
Your letter of the 11th. got to hand this day. I am affected beyond measure at its contents; especially as it was too late to have any influence upon the event you were apprehensive of—Mr. Woolcott’s instructions having gone off yesterday. I trust however the alternative which they present to the Attorney of the and the discretion he will use in managing the affair will enable you to avoid any...
I have received your two letters of the 12th and 16th. The Subscription Book for the manufacturing Society did not remain with me nor with either of the two Gentlemen who came on with me. Is it with neither of those who accompanied you? If it is not, it must have been left at Brunswick & you will do well to write to some trusty person there to look it up & send it to you. I am impatient for...
I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 28 January by Mr Sacket, who communicated to me the Measures which had been planned by you and him, for forwarding the military Operations on your Side, and which I most sincerely wish had been carried into Execution. I attribute our ill success in the Neighbourhood of Kingsbridge to the Same Cause that you do. I was apprehensive from the Manner in...
You will be pleased to issue Provisions to such of the Levies of this State as may be assembled at Albany, or any other place where you have an issuing store, Upon a proper Certificate of their having been & recd duly Mustered, & under the same checks & restrictions as your issues are made to the Troops in the immediate service of the Continent, I am Sir. DLC : Papers of George Washington.