Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Anne-Louis de Tousard, 1 August 1807

Philadelphia August. 1st. 1807.


I have the honor of enclosing to you the Prospectus of a Work which I am publishing On Artillery, before it is circulated and inserted in the News Papers. Should the Contents answer the purpose which I contemplated, when it was begun, which is to be useful to the United States, my Satisfaction will be compleat. To have your name at the head of my Subscribers will be a propitious omen, which will promote its Circulation, and be acknowledged as the highest favour.

I am directing a Prospectus to each of the Heads of the Executive Department and to general Turreau, but will circulate no other until honored with your Answer.

With the greatest Respect I have the honor to be Sir Your most hble. & most obedt. Servt

Louis Tousard

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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