George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Major General Stirling, 30 December 1777

To Major General Stirling

Valley forge 30th Decr 1777.

My Lord,

The bearer presents the horse to you, which I offered in exchange for your black1—In the Summer, when I first got him, he had the appearance of a fine, and handsome horse—at present (by neglect at Bethleham) his appearance is altered. He was purchased for me by Colo. Moylan as a horse of Six yrs old, & I believe him to be sound, knowing nothing to the contrary. he goes rough, equal I believe to your black, and has no bad qualities that I know of; however, as I have no oppertunity of sending the black to my home at present your Lordship may try the other, & judge from the experiment of the eligibility of the Swap—In the mean time yours may, or may not, as you choose it, stand in my Stable; as I design him for no other purpose than a stud horse for the use of my Mares in Virga. I am with sincere esteem & Affecte Yr Lordships most Obt

Go: Washington


1No earlier reference to the proposed swap of horses between GW and Stirling has been identified, but for Col. Stephen Moylan’s purchase of the horse, see General Orders, 28 Aug. 1777, source note.

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