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Results 26791-26840 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26791 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, 22 April 1792 1792-04-22 I hoped ere this to have seen you, to have afforded you whatever of aid could have resulted from...
26792 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 22 January 1783 1783-01-22 It is necessary that One Months Provision for One Hundred men should be always kept on hand at...
26793 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 21 October 1780 1780-10-21 I have transmitted a Copy of your letter of the 11th, which only reached me last evening, to...
26794 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 20 May 1782 1782-05-20 I think it proper to inform you that Such of the Levies raised by this State as may be orderd to...
26795 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 1 February 1783 1783-02-01 The Severity of the Climate, and of the duty of the Troops particularly when they are Scouting at...
26796 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 14 January 1777 1777-01-14 I some time ago recd advice that a large parcel of cloathing was forwarded from New England to...
26797 Lear, Tobias Duer, William Tobias Lear to William Duer, 4 December 1789 1789-12-04 The President of the United States will keep the Carriage provided for his use previous to his...
26798 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, 18 July 1788 1788-07-18 [ Poughkeepsie, New York, July 18, 1788. On July 19, 1788, Hamilton wrote to James Madison:...
26799 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 6 March 1777 1777-03-06 On Tuesday Evening I was favoured with your Letter of the 2d Instt. The slow progress in the...
26800 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, [20 April … 1791-04-20 I send you herewith a plan for a manufacturing Society in conformity to the Ideas we have several...
26801 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 18 September … 1782-09-18 Your Favour of the 13th covering a Copy of yours of the 6th to Mr Morris, is really alarming—I...
26802 Washington, George Duer, William George Washington to William Duer, 21 February 1778 1778-02-21 Valley Forge, February 21, 1778 . Discusses impossibility of an enemy attack on Valley Forge. Df...
26803 Washington, George Parker, Daniel From George Washington to Daniel Parker, 29 May 1783 1783-05-29 The enclosed Complaints against your Department, are of so serious & alarming Complexion, that I...
26804 Walker, Benjamin Parker, Daniel From Benjamin Walker to Daniel Parker, 3 June 1783 1783-06-03 Inclosed is the proceedings of a board of Generals and Officers commanding Corps. on an Enquiry...
26805 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, [15 October … 1782-10-15 In answer to your letter of this date, I am sorry to inform you, that I have not in my hands at...
26806 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 21 February … 1778-02-21 I am favoured with yours of the 16th instant, communicating the intelligence you had received,...
26807 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, 14 March 1792 1792-03-14 Your letter of the 11th. got to hand this day. I am affected beyond measure at its contents;...
26808 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, 17 August 1791 1791-08-17 I have received your two letters of the 12th and 16th. The Subscription Book for the...
26809 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 3 February 1777 1777-02-03 I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 28 January by Mr Sacket, who communicated to me the...
26810 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 25 April 1782 1782-04-25 You will be pleased to issue Provisions to such of the Levies of this State as may be assembled...
26811 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, [4–7 April … 1790-04-07 While I truly regret, my dear friend, that the necessity of your situation compels you to...
26812 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 29 August 1783 1783-08-29 Some circumstances having intervened that render it impracticable during this fall, for us to...
26813 Washington, George Duer, William From George Washington to William Duer, 26 July 1783 1783-07-26 I find it indispensably necessary to the public service that a magazine of Provisions should be...
26814 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, 7 April 179[1] 1791-04-07 In consideration of the moderate terms of Mr Fowler’s contract with the public and from a...
26815 Washington, George Parker, Daniel From George Washington to Daniel Parker, 28 January … 1783-01-28 It has happend that Prisoners of War passing to or from New York arrive at the Post at Dobbs...
26816 Hamilton, Alexander Duer, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Duer, [14 May 1785] 1785-05-14 I wrote you from Albany informing you that the Chancellor had given you till the first of June to...
26817 Washington, George Duer, William George Washington to William Duer, 15 March 1779 1779-03-15 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] March 15, 1779 . States that Duer needs Governor George Clinton’s...
26818 Madison, James Duer, William A. James Madison to William A. Duer, 19 May 1835 1835-05-19 J. M. with his respects to Mr. Duer, encloses copies of the two letters from his father requested...
26819 Madison, James Duer, William A. James Madison to William A. Duer, 4 September 1833 1833-09-04 I have recd. your letter of the 28. Ulto., inclosing the outlines of your work on the...
26820 Madison, James Duer, William A. James Madison to William A. Duer, 5 May 1835 1835-05-05 (Confidential) I have received your letter of April 25th., and with the aid of a friend and...
26821 Madison, James Duer, William A. James Madison to William A. Duer, 29 May 1835 1835-05-29 I have received your letter of the 25th. and feel a pleasure in gratifying the wish of Chancellor...
26822 Johnson, Joshua Duff, Nicholas Enclosure I: Joshua Johnson to Nicholas Duff, 18 May … 1791-05-18 London, 18 May 1791 . He encloses a letter to the officers of the customs. “You will wait on...
26823 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 19 April 1814 1814-04-19 Your favor of the 6 th inst. is just recieved, and I shall with equal willingness and truth state...
26824 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 25 December 1812 1812-12-25 On my return from a journey after an absence of 5. or 6 weeks, I found here your favor of Nov. 5....
26825 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, [18] September … 1813-09-18 Your favor of the 6 th has been recieved & I thank you for having forwarded the book to mr Adams...
26826 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 27 October 1812 1812-10-27 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of M. Dufief to procure him the books below stated, if to be had in...
26827 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 9 January 1813 1813-01-09 I recieved last night your favor of the 4 th with the Elzevir Livy, which, having your...
26828 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 29 September … 1810-09-29 I have duly recieved your favor with the prospectus of your dictionary, and shall gladly become a...
26829 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 22 August 1813 1813-08-22 I am desirous of sending to mr John Adams late Presid t of the US. at Quincy, Mass. a copy of...
26830 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 3 May 1812 1812-05-03 I see on your catalogue the following books. pa. 32. Xenophontis opuscula politica, equestria, et...
26831 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 7 November 1813 1813-11-07 I ought sooner, in answer to your letter of Sep. 29. to have said that I shall be glad to recieve...
26832 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 4 August 1811 1811-08-04 I recieved some time ago your valuable dictionary , and have now had time & trial enough to...
26833 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 3 April 1814 1814-04-03 I wrote to you on the 20 th of March , since which I have seen in the Aurora of Mar. 23. an...
26834 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 16 August 1814 1814-08-16 The difficulty of remitting small & fractional sums to Philadelphia obliges me generally to wait...
26835 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 11 February 1813 1813-02-11 I thank you for the trouble you have taken to find a copy of Livy for me. that which you mention...
26836 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 21 May 1813 1813-05-21 Collecting the amount of the several books you have been so kind as to send me, as nearly as I...
26837 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 20 March 1814 1814-03-20 I possess the Abbé Auger’s translations of Demosthenes , Aeschines , Isocrates , and the Minor...
26838 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 21 August 1814 1814-08-21 Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Dufief and asks the favor of him to procure and send...
26839 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicholas Gouin Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas G. Dufief, 24 June 1813 1813-06-24 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of M. Dufief to send him the books noted below, always bearing in...
26840 Jefferson, Thomas Dufief, Nicolas Gouin From Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 10 April … 1802-04-10 I recieved yesterday your favor of the 6th. and the books forwarded by mr Duane. La Grange’s...