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Results 26781-26790 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
26781[Diary entry: 26 March 1770] (Washington Papers)
26. Countess a hound Bitch after being confind sometime got loose and was lined before it was discovered by my Water dog once and a small foist looking yellow cur twice. GW had paid £1 16s. for a spaniel on 5 Feb. ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 302).
About eleven miles from Head Quarters and eight miles from this Camp is a most admirable position for the whole Army either in two or one line—it’s left is coverd by Stony Brook—it’s front Clear, excepting to the front of the right where is a strong wood and mill dam where it will be proper to throw a brigade a strong Brigade or two shoud occupy likewis a Wood on the right—it’s situation is...
The Secretary of state, charged with the civil affairs of the several territories of the United States, has recieved from the Marshal of Columbia a statement of the condition, unavoidably distressing, of the persons committed to his custody on civil or criminal process, and the urgency for some legislative provisions for their relief . there are other important cases wherein the laws of the...
Io non saprei a che attribuire la total mancanza di sue lettere, dopo quelle del 29 Aprile 1800, e 17 Marzo 1801. Per quanto sento, arrivarono a salvamento nei porti degli S.U. quei bastimenti che portavano le mie lettere, datate come segue. 5 Febbraio, 2 Luglio, 30 detto, 28 7bre, e 15 9bre 1801, 10 Aprile, 17 detto 1802, 15 Febbraio, 15 Aprile, 20 Maggio, 25 8bre 1803, con un aggiunta del 27...
Letter not found: to Brigadier General Hugh Mercer, 11 Aug. 1776. On 12 Aug. Mercer wrote to GW : “I receivd your Letter of yesterday.”
Letter not found: from William Gordon, 7 Nov. 1785. GW wrote Gordon on 6 Dec. : “I come now, my good Doctor, to acknowledge . . . the receipt of your obliging favor of the 7th ulto.”
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis chargé d’ecrire l’Eloge de feu M Pringle pour être Lu dans notre Prochaine séance Publique; sachant que Vous etiez l’ami de cet illustre Médecin, Je Vous prie de Vouloir bien me faire part des Anecdotes intéressantes dont Vous pourriez avoir connaissance relativement à sa Vie, afin de me mettre à portée de Louer sa mémoire le plus dignement qu’il me...
I have to acknowledge the Receipt of your highly flattering & friendly Letter , & to return as I do my best Thanks for it. That you should have proposed to hold me up as worthy of being the Successor of Rittenhouse in the Office of Director of the Mint, is to my Feelings in my present Situation highly gratifying, & to be informed of this in the manner I was, has afforded me much Consolation....
Mr. Bedford put into my Hand this Moment a Card from you, containing a Reprehension for the past, and a Requisition for the Time to come. For the past I kiss the Rod: but from complying with the Requision at least one Part of it, I must be excused. I have no Objection to writing you Facts, but I would not meddle with Characters, for the World. A burn’d Child dreads the Fire. I have Smarted to...
267901774. Fryday. Sept. 23. (Adams Papers)
Walked along Second Street Southward, untill I got out of the City into the Country. The Uniformity of this City is dissagreable to some.— I like it. Dined with the late C hief Justice Allen—with all the Gentlemen from North Carolina, and Mr. Hambleton Hamilton , late Governor— and Mr. Andrew Allen Attorney General. We had much Conversation, about Mr. Franklin. The C hief J ustice and Attorney...