James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 16 August 1811

From James Monroe

Albemarle Augt. 16. 1811

Dear Sir

Mr Gales’s notice of the publication in the Aurora relative to Mr Foster was precisely what it ought to have been.1 It was undoubtedly proper to prevent such a statment going to the nation as a fact, & the mode of contradicting, being without a compromitment of the govt., the true one.

I will endeavor to be with you in the course of the ensuing week. I expect to be able to wear my boot in that time, and as soon as I can I will be down.

I have directed the explanation to be made to Mr Sirrurier, by Mr Graham. Very respectfully & truly Yrs

Jas Monroe

RC (DLC: Rives Collection, Madison Papers).

1See JM to Monroe, 11 Aug. 1811, and n. 1.

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