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Results 26761-26790 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have received the letter with which you were pleased to honor me from Boston, and pray you to accept my thanks for, & congratulations on, the important information it contains. Happy, am I, to see the favorable decision of your Convention upon the proposed Government; not only on acct of its adding an important State to the number of those which have already accepted it, but because it must...
The posture of affairs in Europe, particularly between France and Great Britain, places the United States in a delicate situation; and Requires much consideration of the measures which will be proper for them to observe in the War betwn those Powers. With a view to forming a general plan of conduct for the Executive, I have stated and enclosed sundry questions to be considered preparatory to a...
From some late circumstances, I have reason to believe that neither Mr Priestley’s directions nor mine to transmit to you a copy of the memoirs of his father’s life have been complied with, though a set was appropriated for you to be sent at the first moment of publication. If you have not received one, be good enough to let me know: it will be a cause of much chagrin to Mr Priestley and...
It makes me blush to think of the length of time which has elaps’d since I wrote to you last My Dear Papa, deprived for 6 weeks of the use of my hands , I was after recovering them so closely employ’d with work which during that time had greatly accumulated that without intending it it has been postponed ’till now, I have only thought the more of you My Dear Papa, of that I hope you need never...
Agreable to my promise to you the other day I Now Send you An Account of what Wheat & Flour Came to this Market within this last year. By the Inspectors Account (Which I had taken this morning) there are 27325 Barrels of Flour & from the Returns made by the Several purchasers of Wheat there are 140000 Bushels—two or three have not Given in their Quantaties, which at a Very moderate Computation...
In conformity to the mode proposed in our letter of yesterday, we have the honor to commence the statement you require of the Department under our direction, with a view of the organization and duties of the Board of Treasury. We have the honor to be with high respect, Sir, Your most Obedient Humble Servants The Board of Treasury of the United States This Board was constituted by an ordinance...
Don Joseph de Jaudenes presents his Compliments to Mr. Jefferson, and has the pleasure to inform him, that Messrs. Walls are about dispatching the Ship Kingston for Cadiz in two, or three days, Mr. Swanwick the Ship Interprize about the same time, Mr. Leamy the […] for Coruña the latter end of next week, and the bigining of the same week he learnet also the Ships Aretusa, and the Amable are to...
To avoid the expence to which we are exposed for the rent of Houses for the messengers of the Departments of State, War and navy, General post office and of the accountants of the War and navy Departments, & to provide against accidents of fire to the Buildings occupied by these Departments we conceive that it would be expedient for Congress to make provision for building six small brick...
I recd. a few days ago a copy of your agricultural address under a blank Cover. Presuming that I am indebted for it to your kind attention I offer you my thanks for the favor. I have read your observations with pleasure & not without instruction. Whatever differences of opinion may exist on particular points; the substance and scope of the address, can not fail to be acceptable & useful to...
LS : Yale University Library From the Knowledge I have of Mr Young, by his Conduct while in my Family, writing in the Secretary’s Office, and waiting the Arrival of Mr. Lawrens then expected here; I esteem him a Person of Virtue and Merit, and I recommend him and his Account to the Consideration of Congress, not thinking myself authorised to discharge it without their Order; tho’ to assist him...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your respected letter.—for the interesting details which it contains be pleased to accept my thanks.—it will afford me some compensation for the repugnance under which I felt myself in a degree constrained to enter into a public political correspondence, that it has produced to me information from a source from whence I might not otherwise have...
I am sorry it is not in my power to begin immediately the course of observations you proposed in your last letter . I have not a thermometer even, at present, but shall provide myself directly with one, and as soon as possible with a Barometer. The addition of the Meteorological phaenomena, observations with respect to the migration of birds, and the changes in plants ought to render it a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monseigneur le comte de Vergennes m’a autorisé a réclamer vos bontés, et à me présenter à vous, à l’effet d’être chargé de faire les Médailles, sçeaux, Cachets, Timbres etc. pour la nouvelle République des Etats-unis de l’Amérique; Ce Ministre veut bien être mon protecteur auprès de vous, Monsieur, il a eu la bonté de me faire espérer qu’il vous en...
26774[Diary entry: 8 August 1772] (Washington Papers)
8. Exceeding warm in the forenoon. Cooler afterwards the Wind rising from the Southwd.
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. In the very crippled & feeble state of my health I cannot undertake an extended answer to your enquiries, nor should I suppose it necessary if you have seen my letter to Mr. Everett in August 1830, in which the proceedings of Virginia in 98-99 were explained, and the novel doctrine of nullification adverted to. The distinction is obvious between 1st. such...
I write by this post to the Minister of foreign affairs, but will repeat to you the facts mentioned to him and some others improper for a public letter, and some reflections on them which can only be hazarded to the ear of friendship. The cold weather having set in the evening of the 30th. Ult. (being the same in which I arrived here) the Chevalr. de Ville-brun was obliged to fall down with...
The inclosed additional Contract formed by Genl Schuyler with Mr Duer came to Hand a few Days ago—I transmit it to you together with an Extract of the Letter which accompanied it—& hope the transaction may meet with your Approbation. I am &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
The letter of Dec. 12. which Mr. Remsen did me the favor to write me during your indisposition has been duly received; and I shall be happy to hear that the cause is removed which deprived me at that moment of the pleasure of hearing from you. My last were of the 21st. and 31st. of December. I am afraid that my intelligence may have appeared sometimes to come late to hand. My letters by the...
Anxious to complete the returns of the Army for the last month I calld for a return from Hazens regiment—on the evening of the 2d Instant I received one signed William Satterlee Major Commanding —as I had not before known Major Satterlee (as such) as his promotion & that of several others mentioned in the return have not been communicated to me through the regular Channels, and as the return...
I thank you for the remarks with which you have been so good as to accompany the return of the sheets. The story of Livy I had from Judge Nelson who gave it as a declaration to him from M r Henry himself. I think with you that the statement must be inaccurate: his indolence forbad it and Livy I find is not among the books left by him, of which I have a catalogue—I have moderated the passage...
26781[Diary entry: 26 March 1770] (Washington Papers)
26. Countess a hound Bitch after being confind sometime got loose and was lined before it was discovered by my Water dog once and a small foist looking yellow cur twice. GW had paid £1 16s. for a spaniel on 5 Feb. ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 302).
About eleven miles from Head Quarters and eight miles from this Camp is a most admirable position for the whole Army either in two or one line—it’s left is coverd by Stony Brook—it’s front Clear, excepting to the front of the right where is a strong wood and mill dam where it will be proper to throw a brigade a strong Brigade or two shoud occupy likewis a Wood on the right—it’s situation is...
The Secretary of state, charged with the civil affairs of the several territories of the United States, has recieved from the Marshal of Columbia a statement of the condition, unavoidably distressing, of the persons committed to his custody on civil or criminal process, and the urgency for some legislative provisions for their relief . there are other important cases wherein the laws of the...
Io non saprei a che attribuire la total mancanza di sue lettere, dopo quelle del 29 Aprile 1800, e 17 Marzo 1801. Per quanto sento, arrivarono a salvamento nei porti degli S.U. quei bastimenti che portavano le mie lettere, datate come segue. 5 Febbraio, 2 Luglio, 30 detto, 28 7bre, e 15 9bre 1801, 10 Aprile, 17 detto 1802, 15 Febbraio, 15 Aprile, 20 Maggio, 25 8bre 1803, con un aggiunta del 27...
Letter not found: to Brigadier General Hugh Mercer, 11 Aug. 1776. On 12 Aug. Mercer wrote to GW : “I receivd your Letter of yesterday.”
Letter not found: from William Gordon, 7 Nov. 1785. GW wrote Gordon on 6 Dec. : “I come now, my good Doctor, to acknowledge . . . the receipt of your obliging favor of the 7th ulto.”
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis chargé d’ecrire l’Eloge de feu M Pringle pour être Lu dans notre Prochaine séance Publique; sachant que Vous etiez l’ami de cet illustre Médecin, Je Vous prie de Vouloir bien me faire part des Anecdotes intéressantes dont Vous pourriez avoir connaissance relativement à sa Vie, afin de me mettre à portée de Louer sa mémoire le plus dignement qu’il me...
I have to acknowledge the Receipt of your highly flattering & friendly Letter , & to return as I do my best Thanks for it. That you should have proposed to hold me up as worthy of being the Successor of Rittenhouse in the Office of Director of the Mint, is to my Feelings in my present Situation highly gratifying, & to be informed of this in the manner I was, has afforded me much Consolation....
Mr. Bedford put into my Hand this Moment a Card from you, containing a Reprehension for the past, and a Requisition for the Time to come. For the past I kiss the Rod: but from complying with the Requision at least one Part of it, I must be excused. I have no Objection to writing you Facts, but I would not meddle with Characters, for the World. A burn’d Child dreads the Fire. I have Smarted to...
267901774. Fryday. Sept. 23. (Adams Papers)
Walked along Second Street Southward, untill I got out of the City into the Country. The Uniformity of this City is dissagreable to some.— I like it. Dined with the late C hief Justice Allen—with all the Gentlemen from North Carolina, and Mr. Hambleton Hamilton , late Governor— and Mr. Andrew Allen Attorney General. We had much Conversation, about Mr. Franklin. The C hief J ustice and Attorney...