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Results 26761-26790 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Major Blacckden of Colo. Sheldons Light Dragoons goes to Boston to procure Cloathing and...
Memorandum of sundry matters necesary to be done in the ordnance departments. 1. All the...
In Consequence of your Excellency’s pleasure signified by Colo. Tilghman I have Order’d Mr Reed...
Col. Webb’s falling into the Enemy’s Hands the 10th Inst. you have doubtless before this been...
As I have nothing more in view, in giving the following Sistem, then the fullfilling my duty to...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 27th as I was with those of the 22d and 25th: I imagine...
I have received yours of Yesterday evening about an hour ago. have Orderd in all the parties that...
I inclose your Excellency two Certificates from Doctor Rush. The Absurdity of the one,...
Before this, I suppose your Excellency must have heard of a late decent on Long-Island and the...
On considering what appears most proper in this Army, for a permanent system in future...
Your Letter of November the 26th. was handed to me by the post before the last. The great Objects...
Mr. Geary otherways engaged has given me the pleasure of forwarding this Intelligence from your...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We have to thank you for the Account you gave us of Capt....
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Your Favors of the 1st and 4th Inst. are before us and woud...
ALS : Harvard University Library I arrivd at this place last night in forty four hours from...
AL (letterbook draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Mes dernieres, du 12e., 16e. et 19e. de...
ALS : University of Virginia Library Your Favour of the 27th Inst. was handed to me last Evening...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Montreuil-sur-Mer, December 30, 1777, in French: It would...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <The Hague, December 30, 1777, in French: Only your kindness...
26780General Orders, 30 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Great numbers of prisoners are now in the Provost, suffering extremely from the severity of the...
My last letter to the Council of this State was wrote in consequence of yr Excellencys desire,...
Being appointed by Colo. Sheldon to procure Cloathing and Accoutrements for the Regiment agt the...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 30 Dec. 1777. In his letter to the Board of War of 2–3...
At the Request of his Excellency the Commander in chief I take the Liberty of addressing you with...
The Spy mentioned in my Letter of Day before Yesterday, returned last Night, and informs me the...
The bearer Christian Bittinger with whom I am nearly connected has been in the service near three...
We have sent by the Bearer a few Fish which we take the Liberty of presenting to your...
I am favor’d with your Letter of yesterday, in which you propose (in order to loose no time) to...
Instructions for the Commissary of Military Stores— All the Continental Arms that are out of...
I went Yesterday morning to Head Quarters with an intention of Speaking to Your Excellency But...